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Photo Taken by Gerry Sanchez 2019 |
Last Thursday, April 29th, I went to the Bluebird Theater and saw IamX performing live for the first time in my life.
I know, I know....I'm a little late to the draw but to be honest I had loved this man and his poetic soul for a wicked long time. I just haven't always had the means to go to shows and well, you pick and choose. I've never been to a live show like this either. Lights, electronic dance music, and people who don't mosh--but sing along and bob their heads. It was a pretty interesting crowd that showed up and a V E R Y good H O N E S T vibe.
I started the day off pretty shitty actually; if you must know the day prior I had a shard of glass that went pretty deeply into my foot. I was injured so I thought, I may not be able to make it to the show because general admission meant standing room. When I called, the venue told me there were limited bar stools--but that they were first come first serve and to be honest? I didn't want a bar stool I wanted to see the show. The person on the phone at the box office was very accommodating though! When they asked me why I was asking I told them I was injured and didn't think I could stand the whole time, so they told me to inform them upon arrival and that I would get a chair. AWESOME. I hate to be that gal, but hey, my foot? GREATLY appreciates you, random souls that work for Bluebird Theater ! I salute you!
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Photo By: William Roberts Taken from: Instagram |
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Photo by: Danii Grimm |
When I got off the last bus, I hobbled the short mile to the club, which was MUCH longer than it normally would be. I picked up my tickets at the box office (AFTER a man tried to sell me four scalped tickets for less, right in front of the door even though I was clearly there by myself) at about 8 PM. I went inside, put my belongings through the search process and got scanned. After I bought a sick as fuck shirt at the merch table, which I was delighted to find was barely populated. I brought it and the other things I was given (a small heart they asked us to raise during mile deep hollow and a jelly bracelet) into the room and staff from the venue provided me with a chair and a spot. A GREAT SPOT that I could literally see most of what was going on at. I brought my GoPro because the goal was to catch the fan-fucking-tastic (spoilers) audio of the show for my family who couldn't accompany me and for myself because this was truly an experience and I wanted to be able to feel the same feelings I felt THAT NIGHT when I was ready to blog about it. And I gotta tell you, it worked.
They hit the stage at about 830PM with no opening act, and I was at the bar buying a vodka cranberry because that's my jam when I'm at the club. Why? It's cheap and it does the trick. That's why. After getting to my seat again I hit the play button on my camera and man. My camera was GREAT, but it didn't exactly do it the justice that it deserves. If you can catch this tour, please do, it's worth every second and here's why.
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Photo by: Danii Grimm |
Need more? Let me explain...
Chris Corner, or IamX, is no stranger to the stage or to music in general having started some time in the 90s when I was far younger and still had no idea he was even out there. Sneaker Pimps are pretty legit and laid back, if you haven't heard of them, I DO HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Especially if you want a nice chill vibe to relax to. If you want something a little more alternative and raw, then you will FULLY enjoy Chris's "IamX" project. Man--his lyrics are a trip and seem to bare it all for all to see. They're courageous and the music is bold and followed by the haunting spectral vocals of Chris, Sammidoll, and Janine Gezang combined--one is truly in for a treat for the senses when they step inside this musical world.
The lights were set up and all around the place, honestly I expected there to be lights because most shows have them but these were strobing a lot and a little intense. I did enjoy them when they were settled at a nice neon blue, pink/purple, green, or red--but I found that the bright white or yellow light was a little harsh and could be offensive to some. Not myself, I enjoyed them thoroughly, and I was enjoying my vodka cranberry as well.
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Photo from: Iamxmusic.com |
Followed by "Alive in New Light" the women kicked off "No Maker Made Me" . The lighting changed a bit, and watching them rock out and vibe on stage was enough to get you nodding and bobbing to the beat--which I fully was. The lyrics can be found here for that one, off of the album of Metanoia--the 6th studio album he released in about 2015. It was a very sexy song, definitely rated R and littered with raw feeling and curse words.
Honestly I already knew this wasn't a show for the kids/family; if you're a fan of Chris's you know that his shows are NOT all ages for a reason. They are a great time, wonderful eye-candy, good vibes, but the lyrics aren't something someone under sixteen should be listening to. That much is true. That being said, he's still fully rockin', and the lyrics are sexy.
After "No Maker Made Me" they started up a song from my past that I got AUTOMATICALLY nostalgic with. "Bring Me Back A Dog" which is off his 2006 "The Alternative" album release, it's easy to identify from the very first few seconds--and ladies and gents? It sounded like it was ripped right off the record into my ears. Chris's voice was on point and it was SUPER easy to follow along. I hadn't heard the song in years but it was like it was just yesterday--omg memories. I LOVE this album. Check out the lyrics here.
Next up on the setlist, after Chris said we made him happy, was a song called "Happiness" off the album Metanoia. If you listen to the lyrics the song can be truly relatable to someone like me. It's one of my favorites. The band and tour supports positive mental health, and taking care of yourself, and I think that it truly comes from a personal place. You can feel it in the vibes the band throws, in the lyrics, in the flow of the music, and the way the crowd moves as one just for that little bit of time together. This is going to be one that stays with me for a long time, and I'm glad I was able to be a part of it. The band really knows how to get the crowd involved and to keep a show like this active and involved.
The song after "Happiness" is when I became very interested in the images playing behind the band on the screen more. As the musical vibe got more intense and the lights faded to red. You can tell the band really wants the crowd on the same vibe, and I was feeling every second of it. These girls by the way? That sing with Chris? Janine and Sammidoll? Not only are they fine as fuck and rockin out, but their voices? ARE 100% L E G I T. I was feeling it. "I Come With Knives" put me in the zone. You don't come across enough original personalities in this day and age, but there are three on the stage every night of this tour. Join the experience. Here's the lyrics.

Off of the album of "Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction" a beautiful personal emotional ride from around 2009, "I am Terrified" was extremely beautifully orchestrated for an audience. The lyrics will make you tear up a little, especially if they can hit a little close to home, like they do with myself. You can REALLY hear the emotion in Chris as he belts the final lyrics of the song and he received his much earned standing ovation. Honestly, hearing that song over and over again, it will never get tiring to me. If you haven't heard this album, you should check it out on Spotify.
The song that followed was absolutely beautiful, but I must admit I'm not truly familiar with the album it was from, so "Sorrow" was new entirely to me. I went home and looked up the lyrics later that night, and then proceeded to listen to the 2013 "The Unified Field" album. HOLY FUCKING CRAP! WHAT have I been missing out on? THIS is a must listen.
When I REALLY feel an artist, I get a little weary because everyone is so overproduced these days, but when credit is due? I will give credit and I was fucking blown away by this band. This man, these ladies, the music--GLORIOUS. RHYTHMIC. SOOTHING. RELATABLE. FANTASTIC.
"North Star" came after "Sorrow", and I was NOT disappointed. More people were getting into the show at this point, bouncing, stomping in rhythm, and flowing with the music. This songs lyrics can be pretty intense, but the delivery and performance are what I was fully focused on. Chris is a wonderful storyteller already, and he really has a way of just really magnify his persona just by the way he moves his body and delivers each word. WONDERFUL. Truly.
The oldies are the ones the band really put a lot into and it was appreciated guys, really--it was such
an experience that even now--several days later, I don't fully have a grip on the wording I SHOULD be using to describe the experience. EXPLOSIVE. PASSIONATE. BOLD. POETIC. For starters. When "President" started playing I really teared up. Maybe it was the booze, but damn, I love this song. My day instantly went from shit to jackpot and I couldn't be more grateful. It truly is the little things. And I know it goes without saying, but my followers on here know me well enough to know that I have to, Chris's accent is sexy. There. It's out in the open. But I bet you I'm not the only fan of his that thinks it-and that is a bet I would absolutely win. Lyrics.
Another crowd favorite was "Spit It Out" though it was a more somberesque vibe at the start up. It's another raw song off of "The Alternative" and like I said, you just can't go wrong with that album. I can literally jam to every single song on it. The lyrics to this one though? Are very positive, and the backing music just cannot be beat.
After the band left the stage, I knew an encore was coming--but only because of the hearts from the merchant table. We hadn't heard "Mile Deep Hollow" yet. Not only is this a single off the most recent album, "Alive In New Light", but it was a crowd favorite and obviously very important to many there because this was the first time the whole show that the crowd was singing so loud (in harmony) that it actually drowned Chris out at times. He had started the song out, telling us that this was a song written for the fans, which if you read the lyrics, makes the song THAT more touching and brings the fans THAT much closer. Thank YOU Chris. I am POSITIVE, you have done the same for others.
Another oldie but goodie that released sometime between 2004-2006 was "Kiss + Swallow" which I am truly smitten by. It's a sexual experience, and "Your Joy Is My Low" is off that gem. Chris sounds like he swoons as he delivers the heart felt personal lyrics and I bet half the room was swooning with him, including myself. Excuse me sir, I AM MARRIED! Kidding, but not entirely, I am totally at least half serious here.
When they started playing the really familiar bass line of "The Alternative" and Chris started singing the sexual lyrics (which I've kinda always figured was about a threesome) the crowd fell into a trance as the lights and music did their jobs. When this song finished? I thought "man I need a cigarette" from all the hype and energy. It was one of the most intimate experience I have ever shared as a member of the crowd, and I really wish my husband was there to share it with me, but I'm glad I got to experience it anyhow. WHAT a HIGH to ride on.
The final song of the night (that I almost missed because I had to pee so fucking bad), was "Mercy" off of "Kiss + Swallow". Here are the lyrics to that one. I grabbed the middle of the song, and got to experience from there to the end, but it was enough. This band is amazing. I was absolutely blown the fuck away, and for that I am SO grateful I got to experience THE MILE DEEP HOLLOW TOUR. If you get a chance to jump the bandwagon in your city, DO IT FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK.
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Photo by: Maria Hernandez |
I almost missed the last bus of the night for "Mercy", but there was no fucking way in hell I was leaving before I got to experience the LAST song of the night. I was facing a three hour or more limp home if I did miss it, or a 50$ cab ride. I didn't want to do either to be honest. But after the band wrapped up and the crowd roared with delight, I headed out the doors and to the nearest bus stop with a lot to think about.
There was another four buses home, and the only eventful thing I can say about that was there was two extremely drunk men on the bus. One of which, tried to give me a condom, and then proceeded to laugh his ass off about how he just tried to give me a condom with his equally as drunken buddy. The second, an elderly gentleman, was so intoxicated he almost faceplanted a few times. I, being the introverted creature that I am, tried to avoid eye contact at all, and proceeded to stare at my phone screen. When they didn't get the hint, AFTER the bus driver told him he would remove them if they didn't leave people alone, I moved down and over a few rows. Then they finally got it.
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Photo by: Danii Grimm |
See yall next time! Stay real, always be you, and be kind. xx
See you next week fam!