SO, if we can't move right on the first, that would be because the company of SONIC decided that it's above the laws of the government and has withheld our fucking W2 information from us for so long--that we actually had to go to the tax offices with the very last check and use that (but we cannot do that til the 15th of february.) I'd like to formally distribute a big FUCK YOU to the haters at Sonic, because either way we will get our money--but the wait? It was really inconvenient (and likely a personal issue between my husband and his old boss which is MUCHO illegal).

Another thing that is slightly different is there are more school subjects which seems to be slightly overwhelming, but we've been juggling it the same way high schoolers do. We do math some days and another subject others. It makes it very easy--smooth, and she has adjusted to the new schedule very well.

On her own time she's been reading a lot more, her comprehension has grown and she has a lot of time using punctuation I've noticed. I also got her a diary to write in, and she loves it, she write in it all the time. She's learning spelling and how to shrink her lettering that way-and we are so close that she chooses to share the content with me on a daily basis. She is such a thinker! I am so proud.

Lots of changes, and not just for her--I have a few coming my way as well, once we are settled of course, my husband will already have a job upon reaching the area. I, however, will not. So after getting some of my personal information back (that I haven't had in years thanks to the D.E.S office losing my birth certificate!), and then pound the pavement for a part time job.
When Raith is working, I'm at home with our daughter, and when I am? He will be. We don't do babysitters, and we don't have close enough family to ask for that type of help. So, that's the plan. I'm going to get a part time job. I'm going to have better health insurance, so I am hoping to FEEL a little better. I can be functional, so I will do what I have to, to make the money so our family can be stable until my internet stuff picks up. If it picks up I don't need a coffee shop to keep us afloat and I'll be able to provide more content that way. So either way, I guess it seems to work out in my favor, huh?

I want to find the nearest trails come this spring, and hike, take video footage--and post more family vlogs. I plan on reopening my etsy shop to make a few extra dollars for my equipment and activities outside the house. I plan on recording footage for more vlogs and fun videos. I am going to update my gaming console and start videos around the same point as everyone else (a little behind as my gaming backlog is vast). I plan on doing a bunch of spooky adventures and filming them as a segment on the channel. I plan on making/meeting new friends and having that as a segment on my channel at their consent. And much much more....Tell me, would you be interested in a mommy/daughter homeschool video segment on my channel? I'm curious if that would be worth it...I also have a few surprises up my sleeves...so keep an eye out!
We are going to document every step of the way; from Arizona to Colorado. This is the first real big move for my husband and daughter. I come from Rhode Island, so I've done this state bounce once before, and it was hard then. I expect it to be a lot of work, but to really pay off. So, if you're into it? Stay tuned and watch everything unfold!
Another personal plan for this year is better insurance, better doctors, and hopefully (at the mercy of the Coloradan practices) better healthcare. Once I get down to the bottom of this digestive thing, that I have found plagues half of the people in my family, the more I can manage my life. I want to live my best life while I'm here, and not have it affect mine and my families lives so much. I want to travel and see the world, but I have to get into a good place first. By next year, I am fully planning to fork over the cash for my boards (health providing) to take them, and move onto my next life adventure. I cannot wait.
Last year was the beginning of the the best years of my life, and I cannot express how thrilled I am to share that with all of you--my handpicked fam. Thank you for your support, and I'll see you again next week! <3 p="">
If you want check out my latest video (where these gifs are from) here :
I won a really neat Fearless Records Digital Contest--check the swag I got from it! xx
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