Gettin' into a spoopy mood and decided to spin a tale for ya'll. What you are about to read has SOME truth but is a highly embellished tale. That being said, have a spooky ride and let me know what you think in the comments below.
The weather was the kind of cold that didn’t quite sting your cheeks yet. The smell of burning wood was in the air, and; the trees lining the streets were peppered with the bright colors of a painting. Yellows, reds, greens, and under the feet of every passerby the fresh crunching of the browns that fell from where they once were growing proudly. With every season comes the possibility of change, but autumn was just very aesthetically pleasing in this small town. Like every other town it had its residents, it’s practiced, and most of all--it’s secrets.
No one paid attention to Rita and she liked it that way. She was a small girl from a big family
and she managed to remain under the radar for a long time. Now that she started middle school she had managed to make a few friends but before that, friends were few and far in between. Usually, she just sat in her room reading to pass the time but lately, she’d been going out to the woods to meet her friends at the end of the street.
“It’s true.” Devin was a big-mouthed toe-headed boy who could be a major cunt; he was running his mouth again, smoking a cigarette he probably stole from his father and sporting a black eye. “Mrs. Marlo at the end of the road is a witch.” He flicked the butt of his cigarette nonchalantly into the brush and the girl nearest to him, Amanda, stomped out the ash and replied.
“You’re full of shit Devin. We all know you’re full of shit.” She flipped her ebony hair over her shoulder and took a compact mirror out of her small bag to look at her perfectly done eye make-up. She spent a lot of time on how she looked, so she wanted to make sure it was perfect.
“Nope. My cousin said, his friend’s sister’s aunt disappeared after having to work with Mrs. Marlo.” Devin stood his ground as he took his cigarette to his mouth. “No one’s seen her in years.”
“Yeah? And when was that?” Rita asked curiously, a little amused at this current story, being that it was fall--and close to Halloween night.
“A few years ago. Apparently, her fuckin five million cats tripped her down her stairs and she broke her spine. So she needed help and my cousin’s friend’s sister’s aunt--was a home caregiver.” Devin was watching the small group of peers his age because he seemed to have their attention, and he continued. “She only showed up for a week and never showed up again. Creepiest part? Her car was found parked where she parked it every day while she visited Mrs. Marlo...but they searched her place and couldn’t find anythin’. Crazy right?”
“That doesn’t mean she’s a witch Devin. You stupid shit….but it could mean she’s a serial killer and that she fed that poor woman’s body to her cats.” Amanda said with a scoff as she closed her compact mirror and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“You know that could be plausible.” Rita agreed after a moment, “I could honestly believe that.”
“Yeah, whatever. Ya’ll have no imagination.” He dragged off the cigarette slowly and thought about it, “Why don’t you all put your money where your mouth is?”
Jared, a tall quiet boy who had been sitting quietly this whole time rolled his eyes and clutched his crimson Jansport backpack closer as he turned his ball cap around and asked, “And what is that spose to mean?”
“It means, Halloween is coming….” Devin said simply, “Why don’t we go and have a look for ourselves. See what’s up?”
“You’re talkin’ about breaking and entering at an old woman's house on Halloween night. Think about that man.” Jared shook his head, “That’s just stupid. I’m out guys. I’ve got practice in an hour and I don’t need to be associated with whatever plan this idiot’s cooked up.”
“Hold on, wait for me. I don’t wanna walk home alone…” Amanda called as she quickly stood and chased after him.
“They make it so obvious,” Devin said with a scoff to Rita who was getting up and getting ready to leave herself.
“Uh make what, obvious?” She asked with an eyebrow raised.
“That they’re doin it,” Devin said it so matter of factly that Rita couldn’t help but whip her head around to see her friends leaving.
“No…..” she said simply just in disbelief that they could be doing that already at this age.
“They totally are. They just don’t want anyone to know yet or something.” Devin stated.
“You sound jealous,” Rita said with a small smirk on her lips.
“Nah. But what do you say? Halloween night?” Devin asked it and Rita wasn’t sure. Jared was right, it was a law they were breaking and the cops were likely to be called.
“I don’t know…” She stated after a moment, “I don’t think so Devin.”
“C’mon we’ll be in and out. Just see if shes got any satanic symbols or shit in her house. We won’t take anything.” He insisted.
The weather was the kind of cold that didn’t quite sting your cheeks yet. The smell of burning wood was in the air, and; the trees lining the streets were peppered with the bright colors of a painting. Yellows, reds, greens, and under the feet of every passerby the fresh crunching of the browns that fell from where they once were growing proudly. With every season comes the possibility of change, but autumn was just very aesthetically pleasing in this small town. Like every other town it had its residents, it’s practiced, and most of all--it’s secrets.
No one paid attention to Rita and she liked it that way. She was a small girl from a big family
and she managed to remain under the radar for a long time. Now that she started middle school she had managed to make a few friends but before that, friends were few and far in between. Usually, she just sat in her room reading to pass the time but lately, she’d been going out to the woods to meet her friends at the end of the street.
“It’s true.” Devin was a big-mouthed toe-headed boy who could be a major cunt; he was running his mouth again, smoking a cigarette he probably stole from his father and sporting a black eye. “Mrs. Marlo at the end of the road is a witch.” He flicked the butt of his cigarette nonchalantly into the brush and the girl nearest to him, Amanda, stomped out the ash and replied.
“You’re full of shit Devin. We all know you’re full of shit.” She flipped her ebony hair over her shoulder and took a compact mirror out of her small bag to look at her perfectly done eye make-up. She spent a lot of time on how she looked, so she wanted to make sure it was perfect.
“Nope. My cousin said, his friend’s sister’s aunt disappeared after having to work with Mrs. Marlo.” Devin stood his ground as he took his cigarette to his mouth. “No one’s seen her in years.”
“Yeah? And when was that?” Rita asked curiously, a little amused at this current story, being that it was fall--and close to Halloween night.
“A few years ago. Apparently, her fuckin five million cats tripped her down her stairs and she broke her spine. So she needed help and my cousin’s friend’s sister’s aunt--was a home caregiver.” Devin was watching the small group of peers his age because he seemed to have their attention, and he continued. “She only showed up for a week and never showed up again. Creepiest part? Her car was found parked where she parked it every day while she visited Mrs. Marlo...but they searched her place and couldn’t find anythin’. Crazy right?”
“That doesn’t mean she’s a witch Devin. You stupid shit….but it could mean she’s a serial killer and that she fed that poor woman’s body to her cats.” Amanda said with a scoff as she closed her compact mirror and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“You know that could be plausible.” Rita agreed after a moment, “I could honestly believe that.”
“Yeah, whatever. Ya’ll have no imagination.” He dragged off the cigarette slowly and thought about it, “Why don’t you all put your money where your mouth is?”
Jared, a tall quiet boy who had been sitting quietly this whole time rolled his eyes and clutched his crimson Jansport backpack closer as he turned his ball cap around and asked, “And what is that spose to mean?”
“It means, Halloween is coming….” Devin said simply, “Why don’t we go and have a look for ourselves. See what’s up?”
“You’re talkin’ about breaking and entering at an old woman's house on Halloween night. Think about that man.” Jared shook his head, “That’s just stupid. I’m out guys. I’ve got practice in an hour and I don’t need to be associated with whatever plan this idiot’s cooked up.”
“Hold on, wait for me. I don’t wanna walk home alone…” Amanda called as she quickly stood and chased after him.
“They make it so obvious,” Devin said with a scoff to Rita who was getting up and getting ready to leave herself.
“Uh make what, obvious?” She asked with an eyebrow raised.
“That they’re doin it,” Devin said it so matter of factly that Rita couldn’t help but whip her head around to see her friends leaving.
“No…..” she said simply just in disbelief that they could be doing that already at this age.
“They totally are. They just don’t want anyone to know yet or something.” Devin stated.
“You sound jealous,” Rita said with a small smirk on her lips.
“Nah. But what do you say? Halloween night?” Devin asked it and Rita wasn’t sure. Jared was right, it was a law they were breaking and the cops were likely to be called.
“I don’t know…” She stated after a moment, “I don’t think so Devin.”
“C’mon we’ll be in and out. Just see if shes got any satanic symbols or shit in her house. We won’t take anything.” He insisted.
“Alright fine.” Rita agreed against her better judgment, “If anything just to make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble…or seriously injured by a serial killer who feeds bodies to cats.” She teased. “Now I gotta go...we’ll talk more about it tomorrow at school.” She patted Devin on the shoulder because he looked disheartened, then turned on her heel and ran off to hurry home before it got too dark.
At the bottom of the street just before Rita’s house stood the house that Devin spoke about; she couldn’t avoid the place, it’s where they all stood for years--to wait for the bus to bring them to school. First elementary, and now that they were older, middle school an hour earlier.
Something about the house always gave her the fucking creeps no matter how much she tried to ignore it. She got goosebumps if she got too close and a really bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was why she always tried to leave the last minute for the bus, she hated standing over there. And now Devin was trying to get her to go inside it? She didn’t know how well that sat with her and figured she would have to sleep on it. “Mija come inside. It’s getting late.” Rita turned around to see her grandmother standing in the doorway watching her stare down the road.
Going inside and shrugging off her coat she tucked it safely away in the closet by the outside door and then turned to hug her grandmother. Turning her cheek she kissed her sweetly and said, “Hey Abuela...missed you. How long are you here this time?”
“A few days.” She said with a smile on her lips, “But a few good days they will be, right?” She smiled with a sparkle in her eye that always managed to make Rita smile.
Rita would nod and smile back, “Yeah Abuela. A few GREAT days.” She was just happy to get her grandmother free of that place she lived at for a little while. She always seemed much happier and brighter when she was out of there. Excusing herself after she went upstairs to her room to put her things from the day down so she could have a shower and be alone to think to herself. After her shower, she did her homework, texted Devin to tell him she didn’t think his idea was a good one in the best way she could think of to let him down, and then she shut off her light and went to bed.
The next morning, Rita almost missed the bus because her alarm didn’t go off, but when she came running down the street she was greeted by the sight of her friends standing off to the side watching as the small-town police started to block off the neighborhood. “Hey, guys!” She said as she came up, but she had to scream over the sirens and police radio noise. “What’s going on?”
“Mrs. Marlo’s dead.” Devin had a way with words and the empathy of a gnat. “The mailman found her body this morning.” He nodded towards the house with the paramedics coming in and out of it. “Her backdoor was open, so he let himself inside and found her cats eatin’ her eyeballs.”
“Oh knock it off, you infant.” Amanda said over the noise with a roll of her eyes, “All Rick the mail carrier said was the backdoor was open and the cats were probably eatin’ her. He didn’t know cos he left and called the cops.” She motioned with her insulated coffee cup to the mess that was filling the road and shortly after this the bus rolled up.
Rita didn’t feel right about what had happened, it was so coincidental that they were just talking about her and then this happened--but she kept her thoughts to herself and was glad to be away from all the hectic noise so early in the morning as they piled onto the bus for school.
“Guess your hero’s not a witch, after all, huh Dev?” Jared chided as they climbed on after the girls. “Ya think she woulda been able to put off the inevitable death thing with her black magic.”
“Oh that proves absolutely nothin and you know it.” Devin said simply, “No one lives forever.”
Going through school that day was weird and almost hazy, but Rita remembered being quiet and thinking a lot during the day. About what they’d said, about what Devin had said on the bus to Jared. And life in general and how strange things came together. She couldn’t help but wonder if maybe there was something to what Devin said after all. That was when she figured she would ask him on the bus on the way home that afternoon.
When the bell rang she hurried for the bus, quick to put her things away in her backpack so she could leave her classes and find her friends who were indifferent teams at the school. It sucked to be smarter than everyone because of that, she only saw her friends at lunch and on the bus, but at least she managed to make some.
When she climbed onto the bus she sat in a seat and saved a spot for Devin by sitting on the outermost edge of it. When her friends came piling on she moved over for Devin and pointed to the seat behind her for Jared and Amanda to join them. No one even asked questions, as to why she was there first when she was always the last of them to be on the bus. So she sat back and waited for the bus driver to start the bus. Once it was filled and they took off, Rita turned to Devin and smiled a little. “So I was thinkin’ about Halloween night…” she started.
Devin’s smile was huge in an instant and he would nod, “Yeah? Didja change your mind?”
Going inside and shrugging off her coat she tucked it safely away in the closet by the outside door and then turned to hug her grandmother. Turning her cheek she kissed her sweetly and said, “Hey Abuela...missed you. How long are you here this time?”
“A few days.” She said with a smile on her lips, “But a few good days they will be, right?” She smiled with a sparkle in her eye that always managed to make Rita smile.
Rita would nod and smile back, “Yeah Abuela. A few GREAT days.” She was just happy to get her grandmother free of that place she lived at for a little while. She always seemed much happier and brighter when she was out of there. Excusing herself after she went upstairs to her room to put her things from the day down so she could have a shower and be alone to think to herself. After her shower, she did her homework, texted Devin to tell him she didn’t think his idea was a good one in the best way she could think of to let him down, and then she shut off her light and went to bed.
The next morning, Rita almost missed the bus because her alarm didn’t go off, but when she came running down the street she was greeted by the sight of her friends standing off to the side watching as the small-town police started to block off the neighborhood. “Hey, guys!” She said as she came up, but she had to scream over the sirens and police radio noise. “What’s going on?”
“Mrs. Marlo’s dead.” Devin had a way with words and the empathy of a gnat. “The mailman found her body this morning.” He nodded towards the house with the paramedics coming in and out of it. “Her backdoor was open, so he let himself inside and found her cats eatin’ her eyeballs.”
“Oh knock it off, you infant.” Amanda said over the noise with a roll of her eyes, “All Rick the mail carrier said was the backdoor was open and the cats were probably eatin’ her. He didn’t know cos he left and called the cops.” She motioned with her insulated coffee cup to the mess that was filling the road and shortly after this the bus rolled up.
Rita didn’t feel right about what had happened, it was so coincidental that they were just talking about her and then this happened--but she kept her thoughts to herself and was glad to be away from all the hectic noise so early in the morning as they piled onto the bus for school.
“Guess your hero’s not a witch, after all, huh Dev?” Jared chided as they climbed on after the girls. “Ya think she woulda been able to put off the inevitable death thing with her black magic.”
“Oh that proves absolutely nothin and you know it.” Devin said simply, “No one lives forever.”
Going through school that day was weird and almost hazy, but Rita remembered being quiet and thinking a lot during the day. About what they’d said, about what Devin had said on the bus to Jared. And life in general and how strange things came together. She couldn’t help but wonder if maybe there was something to what Devin said after all. That was when she figured she would ask him on the bus on the way home that afternoon.
When the bell rang she hurried for the bus, quick to put her things away in her backpack so she could leave her classes and find her friends who were indifferent teams at the school. It sucked to be smarter than everyone because of that, she only saw her friends at lunch and on the bus, but at least she managed to make some.
When she climbed onto the bus she sat in a seat and saved a spot for Devin by sitting on the outermost edge of it. When her friends came piling on she moved over for Devin and pointed to the seat behind her for Jared and Amanda to join them. No one even asked questions, as to why she was there first when she was always the last of them to be on the bus. So she sat back and waited for the bus driver to start the bus. Once it was filled and they took off, Rita turned to Devin and smiled a little. “So I was thinkin’ about Halloween night…” she started.
Devin’s smile was huge in an instant and he would nod, “Yeah? Didja change your mind?”
“Well, I mean...if she’s dead, she can’t call the cops on us, right? the house sorta isn’t hers anymore…” Honestly, she had no family, so the house would be taken by some bank somewhere and she didn’t think they would hang around for Halloween night break-ins. “So if we’re in and out…I suppose I could be okay with that.”
“Alright cool! I’ll bring my sister's ouija board and a candle and we’ll see if we can summon her soul or somethin’ crazy.” Devin chuckled a little and leaned back, turning his neck a bit to look over the seat at the other two he said, “You two wanna get down on the seance we got planned for Halloween night?” He pointed to Rita over the seat as he spoke.
“Rita! No! You didn’t….” Amanda said with a shake of her head, “Did you really agree to go through with that?”
“Alright cool! I’ll bring my sister's ouija board and a candle and we’ll see if we can summon her soul or somethin’ crazy.” Devin chuckled a little and leaned back, turning his neck a bit to look over the seat at the other two he said, “You two wanna get down on the seance we got planned for Halloween night?” He pointed to Rita over the seat as he spoke.
“Rita! No! You didn’t….” Amanda said with a shake of her head, “Did you really agree to go through with that?”
Rita blushed and shrugged, “Yeah ...Mrs. Marlo won’t be there. No harm no foul.”
“She might still be there,” Devin said with a spooky air to his voice.
“Well if you’re gonna go I have to go. To make sure you don’t get into trouble because of this idiot.” Amanda told Rita, and it was almost as if she knew that Jared was looking at her when she turned to look at him. “What?”
“Now I gotta go.” He said with a sigh, “I swear...I see one flashing light I’m dippin’ and ya’ll are on your own.”
“Awww sweet! The gangs back together.” Devin said with a chuckle and a nod. “Awesome. We’ll do it at like midnight on Halloween night...meet out in her yard and I’ll bring the Ouija board my sister has and a candle.”
“You’re directing this so-called seance?” Amanda scoffed and started to giggle. “Oh, Jared. Nothing's gonna happen. He’s not a fuckin psychic or anything. That'll be a piece of cake...AND we’ll all get to stay out super late.”
“Alright if you say so.” Jared agreed.
When they rolled up to their bus stop all the carnage from before was already over with and it was like hours ago the street wasn’t swarmed with cops, ambulance, and fire trucks. It was so strange how life could go back to normal after something so sudden as death. It didn’t sit quite right with Rita, it seemed very fake to seem like it wasn’t all around them. Still, she waved her two friends off and walked some of the way with Devin before saying goodbye to him as well and going inside her house.
The next few days passed smoothly for Rita, and most of that time was spent reading and writing or hanging out with her grandmother. When Halloween approached it was easy enough to tell her mother that she was going to be staying at Amanda’s overnight and going to school with her the next day. Her mother and father weren’t used to her being a bad child so they agreed and didn’t ask questions.
Thinking it would be funny to tease Devin, even if her other friends didn’t dress up, Rita dressed as a witch grabbed her bag and pillowcase and went out to find her friends. Amanda, who was on her phone texting Rita already, had informed her that the swarm of children were out and about--and then proceeded to give her a rundown of every single costume via text until Rita physically met up with her and Jared in person.
“Hey, guys!” She waved and would frown, “You didn’t dress up?”
“Nah. I dunno I just feel like we’re too old for that, ya know?” Amanda answered casually.
Jared would shrug and reply, “I’m dressed up.” Before pulling his mask on and laughing, “Just don’t have the mask on.”
“Yeah! Free candy! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Rita exclaimed as she looked around. “So should we join the ghosts and ghoulies before we have to meet up with Devin at the house later?”
“Yeah, why not,” Amanda said miserably, but they didn't have anything else to do so she wasn’t fighting it.
“Where is he anyway?” Rita asked curiously.
“Dev?” Jared said offhandedly, “He had to take his sister out trick or treating first.”
The next few days passed smoothly for Rita, and most of that time was spent reading and writing or hanging out with her grandmother. When Halloween approached it was easy enough to tell her mother that she was going to be staying at Amanda’s overnight and going to school with her the next day. Her mother and father weren’t used to her being a bad child so they agreed and didn’t ask questions.
Thinking it would be funny to tease Devin, even if her other friends didn’t dress up, Rita dressed as a witch grabbed her bag and pillowcase and went out to find her friends. Amanda, who was on her phone texting Rita already, had informed her that the swarm of children were out and about--and then proceeded to give her a rundown of every single costume via text until Rita physically met up with her and Jared in person.
“Hey, guys!” She waved and would frown, “You didn’t dress up?”
“Nah. I dunno I just feel like we’re too old for that, ya know?” Amanda answered casually.
Jared would shrug and reply, “I’m dressed up.” Before pulling his mask on and laughing, “Just don’t have the mask on.”
“Yeah! Free candy! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Rita exclaimed as she looked around. “So should we join the ghosts and ghoulies before we have to meet up with Devin at the house later?”
“Yeah, why not,” Amanda said miserably, but they didn't have anything else to do so she wasn’t fighting it.
“Where is he anyway?” Rita asked curiously.
“Dev?” Jared said offhandedly, “He had to take his sister out trick or treating first.”
They spent a few hours trick or treating until Jared and Rita had gathered way more candy than they had needed. Then they sat on a park bench to rest before they had to head off to meet their friend. Amanda picked from candy out of both bags because she did not dress up, or go door-to-door. She had hung back on the curb while Rita and Jared embraced their inner children still, it was nice, Rita felt accepted even though her desires were childish--and that was a good feeling.
The later it got the more the crowd of people around them started to thin out, and when the cops started to drive around to make sure all the children were safely in before curfew, that was when Rita and her friends moved from the park bench to Mrs. Marlo’s backyard.
The house was dark and it felt like, even though no one was inside and all the cat’s had been cleared out by the city, someone or something was watching them. “I hate being here.” Amanda said softly as she pulled her hood up from her hoodie, “And who knew it was this cold Halloween night after the lights go out….” She was kidding, everyone knew how cold October nights could get, even her--and she still refused to wear appropriate attire.
The later it got the more the crowd of people around them started to thin out, and when the cops started to drive around to make sure all the children were safely in before curfew, that was when Rita and her friends moved from the park bench to Mrs. Marlo’s backyard.
The house was dark and it felt like, even though no one was inside and all the cat’s had been cleared out by the city, someone or something was watching them. “I hate being here.” Amanda said softly as she pulled her hood up from her hoodie, “And who knew it was this cold Halloween night after the lights go out….” She was kidding, everyone knew how cold October nights could get, even her--and she still refused to wear appropriate attire.
“Could be extra cold because of the presence of spirits.” Devin seemed to pop out of the bushes, almost on cue, which made Amanda jump and scream.
“How long have you been there?” Rita asked curiously, wondering if he had waited for some perfect moment to make an appearance.
“Whaddaya mean? I was just able to get away. My dad was watching my room for the longest time.” Devin replied as he reached behind himself to pull his backpack off his back so he could get a few things out of it. “So have you tried to go inside yet?”
“No!” Amanda and Rita squealed simultaneously.
“We were waiting for you bro. You’re the expert on breaking and entering here.” Jared teased.
Devin had a lock picking experience because his dad always took things from him and forgot to give them back. Then if it got long enough, Devin would sneak in and pick the locks to steal his stuff back. It was the only way he ever saw it again. “Yeah, yeah…..whatever. Amateurs.” He replied as he pulled a screwdriver and a couple of other small tools they couldn’t see because it was dark, out of his backpack. Taking out a flashlight he handed it to Rita who turned it on.
“What do you want me to do with this?” She asked curiously.
“Whaddaya mean?” Devin squinted as if it was the strangest question he’d ever gotten. “Shine it on the lock while I get the door open.”
“Oh!” Rita blushed a deep crimson and laughed, “Sorry, alright…” she had never done anything like this before. Nor had she seen it done, so it had just been naivety but she felt stupid anyway. “Brain fart….” she shined the light on the door and waited.
Devin got down low on his knees, one tool between his lips on standby if he needed it. His hands worked diligently for a few minutes and then the door popped open. “Piece of cake.” He said though it was muffled because he still had his tool between his lips. Standing up he removed the tool from his mouth and then put them into his backpack and nodded towards the house. “C’mon let’s go inside…” He was the first to push into the pitch blackness.
It reeked of stale cat piss and crunching under their feet was either stale cat feces or stale cat food--they couldn’t tell because the lights were off. Amanda was the last one in, so she shut the door quietly behind them and squeaked, “It smells like piss in here guys. I don’t like it.”
“C’mon we’ll go to the other room where she died and set up the board,” Devin said softly as they crawled through the still furnished rooms. The bank had draped plastic over some things, and there was no sign of a decaying body even though it had just been days prior. He put the candle down on the living room floor and then put the board in front of it with the planchette set on top ready for use. Taking a lighter out of his pockets, used for lighting stolen cigarettes, he lit the candle and then sat down, crossing his legs. “Alright around the board...so we can all reach the eye.”
The room smelled like that stinky perfume from the Dollar Store, mixed with the stench of the cats that were there prior, which was all over the house. Against her better judgment, Rita lowered herself into a sitting position. Something in the pit of her stomach didn’t feel right. She almost felt sick but she didn’t know why--she hadn’t gone overboard with the candy earlier.
“I dunno if we should be here,” Amanda said softly, almost in a whisper as if someone could hear her, but Jared moved closer to her and rubbed her shoulders to keep her calm.
“We’ll leave soon alright I just wanna see somethin…” Devin said softly as he moved forward and leaned over the board to put his hands on the planchette gently. “Now everyone’s supposed to put their hand on the eye but just barely touch it.”
Amanda, Jared, and Rita leaned forward and placed their hands on the planchette--then all eyes were on Devin. He looked at the time on his phone, tucked it in his pocket and then nodded. “Alright let’s start.” He placed his hands back on the small piece and cleared his throat. Speaking loudly and clearly, his voice almost boomed off the thinly insulated walls. “We are looking for Mrs. Marlo.” He started and then took a deep breath, “Are you here with us Mrs. Marlo?”
“I told you this was stupid,” Jared said but just as he did the back door they came through blew open and a sharp wind blew their candle out. Amanda stood up and shook her head, “Oh no. no fuckin way. I’m out.” she stomped out the door and Jared was soon up and out after her, telling her to wait because she shouldn’t walk home this late alone.
“Shoot she’s my alibi.” Rita murmured but figured she could tell another fib to get back into the house. IF she was even noticed slipping in. If she wasn’t she didn’t have to lie as much. With a plan to tell them she didn’t feel comfortable sleeping out, and that she came home early to sleep in her bed, she knew she would be okay. So, getting up she shut the back door, and then she rejoined Devin by the candle that he had already relit.
“Ready to try again?” He asked almost excited sounding.
Leaning forward, Rita put her hands on the planchette and nodded, “Yeah let’s try again.”
“Mrs. Marlo…can you tell us if you’re listening?” The planchette flew off the board without either of them touching it much. That was when Devin and Rita exchanged looks before going to reach for it again, but it flew out of their reach.
Getting up again, Rita crossed the room and knelt. With one hand on the couch, she would reach the other underneath it in search of the planchette but she gasped and backed away.
“What's wrong?” Devin asked quickly as he shot up. “Are you okay?”
“How long have you been there?” Rita asked curiously, wondering if he had waited for some perfect moment to make an appearance.
“Whaddaya mean? I was just able to get away. My dad was watching my room for the longest time.” Devin replied as he reached behind himself to pull his backpack off his back so he could get a few things out of it. “So have you tried to go inside yet?”
“No!” Amanda and Rita squealed simultaneously.
“We were waiting for you bro. You’re the expert on breaking and entering here.” Jared teased.
Devin had a lock picking experience because his dad always took things from him and forgot to give them back. Then if it got long enough, Devin would sneak in and pick the locks to steal his stuff back. It was the only way he ever saw it again. “Yeah, yeah…..whatever. Amateurs.” He replied as he pulled a screwdriver and a couple of other small tools they couldn’t see because it was dark, out of his backpack. Taking out a flashlight he handed it to Rita who turned it on.
“What do you want me to do with this?” She asked curiously.
“Whaddaya mean?” Devin squinted as if it was the strangest question he’d ever gotten. “Shine it on the lock while I get the door open.”
“Oh!” Rita blushed a deep crimson and laughed, “Sorry, alright…” she had never done anything like this before. Nor had she seen it done, so it had just been naivety but she felt stupid anyway. “Brain fart….” she shined the light on the door and waited.
Devin got down low on his knees, one tool between his lips on standby if he needed it. His hands worked diligently for a few minutes and then the door popped open. “Piece of cake.” He said though it was muffled because he still had his tool between his lips. Standing up he removed the tool from his mouth and then put them into his backpack and nodded towards the house. “C’mon let’s go inside…” He was the first to push into the pitch blackness.
It reeked of stale cat piss and crunching under their feet was either stale cat feces or stale cat food--they couldn’t tell because the lights were off. Amanda was the last one in, so she shut the door quietly behind them and squeaked, “It smells like piss in here guys. I don’t like it.”
“C’mon we’ll go to the other room where she died and set up the board,” Devin said softly as they crawled through the still furnished rooms. The bank had draped plastic over some things, and there was no sign of a decaying body even though it had just been days prior. He put the candle down on the living room floor and then put the board in front of it with the planchette set on top ready for use. Taking a lighter out of his pockets, used for lighting stolen cigarettes, he lit the candle and then sat down, crossing his legs. “Alright around the board...so we can all reach the eye.”
The room smelled like that stinky perfume from the Dollar Store, mixed with the stench of the cats that were there prior, which was all over the house. Against her better judgment, Rita lowered herself into a sitting position. Something in the pit of her stomach didn’t feel right. She almost felt sick but she didn’t know why--she hadn’t gone overboard with the candy earlier.
“I dunno if we should be here,” Amanda said softly, almost in a whisper as if someone could hear her, but Jared moved closer to her and rubbed her shoulders to keep her calm.
“We’ll leave soon alright I just wanna see somethin…” Devin said softly as he moved forward and leaned over the board to put his hands on the planchette gently. “Now everyone’s supposed to put their hand on the eye but just barely touch it.”
Amanda, Jared, and Rita leaned forward and placed their hands on the planchette--then all eyes were on Devin. He looked at the time on his phone, tucked it in his pocket and then nodded. “Alright let’s start.” He placed his hands back on the small piece and cleared his throat. Speaking loudly and clearly, his voice almost boomed off the thinly insulated walls. “We are looking for Mrs. Marlo.” He started and then took a deep breath, “Are you here with us Mrs. Marlo?”
“I told you this was stupid,” Jared said but just as he did the back door they came through blew open and a sharp wind blew their candle out. Amanda stood up and shook her head, “Oh no. no fuckin way. I’m out.” she stomped out the door and Jared was soon up and out after her, telling her to wait because she shouldn’t walk home this late alone.
“Shoot she’s my alibi.” Rita murmured but figured she could tell another fib to get back into the house. IF she was even noticed slipping in. If she wasn’t she didn’t have to lie as much. With a plan to tell them she didn’t feel comfortable sleeping out, and that she came home early to sleep in her bed, she knew she would be okay. So, getting up she shut the back door, and then she rejoined Devin by the candle that he had already relit.
“Ready to try again?” He asked almost excited sounding.
Leaning forward, Rita put her hands on the planchette and nodded, “Yeah let’s try again.”
“Mrs. Marlo…can you tell us if you’re listening?” The planchette flew off the board without either of them touching it much. That was when Devin and Rita exchanged looks before going to reach for it again, but it flew out of their reach.
Getting up again, Rita crossed the room and knelt. With one hand on the couch, she would reach the other underneath it in search of the planchette but she gasped and backed away.
“What's wrong?” Devin asked quickly as he shot up. “Are you okay?”
“I swear I felt a cat under there.” Rita gasped, “It brushed my hand…”
“My parents said the cats here all had to be put down.” Devin went under the couch himself and pulled the planchette out. He didn’t feel anything under there either. So he went back to the board with the small piece and then looked over at her. “Maybe we don’t have to touch it.”
“Let’s try it,” Rita said with a quick nod as she still held her hand that touched the supposed cat.
“My parents said the cats here all had to be put down.” Devin went under the couch himself and pulled the planchette out. He didn’t feel anything under there either. So he went back to the board with the small piece and then looked over at her. “Maybe we don’t have to touch it.”
“Let’s try it,” Rita said with a quick nod as she still held her hand that touched the supposed cat.
“Mrs. Marlo…” Devin started, “Is that you? Yes? Or no?” The planchette did nothing at first, but after a moment’s hesitation, it started across the board towards the yes/no section until it came to a halt on the yes. “I KNEW IT!” Devin clapped his hands as if he won some victory, but Rita didn’t feel right. “Were you a witch?” Of course, that was the first thing he would ask, and the planchette didn’t move--so he took that as confirmation. “I fuckin TOLD you guys!” he laughed and took out his phone. Taking a picture of the board he glanced over at Rita who seemed to be trembling--because she was. “Are you alright?”
“Eyes…” Rita said softly as she pointed behind him. “All the eyes…” It was true, between every small crack of furniture there could be a set of eyes seen shining in the light of the candle.
Squinting, Devin would back away slowly and knock the board. The candle fell and went out. In the other room some creaking could be heard, and then a slam of a distant door. The kitchen began to rattle around them, and the eyes began to move forward towards them.
Rita jumped to her feet and ran towards the door and when she got to the backdoor she threw it open and cats were outside. Purring, and meowing, as they stepped towards her. She screamed and threw the door shut but when she ran back to the room after only having been gone a moment she could see Devin on the floor, covered by cats and struggling to get away. She screamed again and ran back to the back door. Somewhere in the distance, a clock chimed the hour. She grasped the necklace around her neck, a small gemstone her Abuela had given her from a past trip she had taken out of the country.
Rita wasn’t a particularly religious girl by any means, but she clutched the necklace for her life and she threw open the door and ran out. The cats started towards her again so she ran the other way, jumped the back fence, and kept running until she was home again. She unlocked it as fast as she could, she ran inside and shut the door. Spinning around she would be face-to-face with her grandmother but she hadn’t expected it so she let out a small yelp of a yell then relaxed when she realized who it was. “Oh! Abuela...it's just you…” she said softly as she hugged the woman.
Her grandmother smiled softly and hugged her back, “You’re safe now.” she told her softly, “Go on now, up to bed.”
She didn’t know how her grandmother knew she needed to hear that, but Rita figured it was the rushed way she’d let herself into the house. She went up to her room, shut and locked the door, and then turned on every single light. It was going to be a long night, but she knew there was no way she was going to be able to get any sleep after what she had just seen.
Nothing came into her room that night, but as predicted, Rita didn’t get much sleep. Getting ready for school the next morning quickly, she headed to the bus stop with her very own cup of coffee to match Amanda's usual. Amanda wasn’t there and neither was Jared. She found that strange but did everything she could not to stare at the house that probably had Devin’s dead body inside it.
When the bus came, she got in and clutched the seats until she felt a safe enough distance from the house they were at just hours prior. She went through her day anxiously, then didn’t see her friends at lunch. It was around the last period of the day that the school psychologist accompanied by a police officer, and Rita’s parents appeared. She was convinced they were there to ask her about her missing friends so she got up without even being called and gathered her things.
Walking out into the hall, her mother burst into tears and told her her grandmother passed away the night before at the nursing home they had her at. Rita froze in shock, she had just seen her grandmother the night before. “Wasn’t she at home last night?” She asked, “with us?”
“No sweetheart.” Her mother sighed and wiped her tears away with tissues from her pocketbook. “Abuela’s heart was too weak to leave for halloween...she didn’t make it through the night.”
Rita clutched her necklace and bit her bottom lip, before burying her face in her father’s chest to have a good cry. “That’s not all Mija.” Her father started as he petted her head and then very carefully, he asked, “We know you came home last night.” Because she had been in her bedroom when they woke up in the morning and drinking coffee in the kitchen after that. “So, when was the last time you saw your friend Amanda?”
“A-Amanda?” Rita would pull back and then she burst into tears. Everything was too much for her to take. She spilled the whole story to her father with the police right there recording everything and taking notes. Her father told her to shush and then they ushered her out of the school as quickly as they could. The police wanted her to make a statement so they could investigate the house, so a few hours later with her family lawyer, she did.
A warrant went out for the Marlo house and a few hours later, when they were eating dinner, Rita’s father got a phone call. The table of 7 people went perfectly silent as he took the phone call. When he hung up they were still silent. He looked around and then said very softly, “They didn’t find anything…”
“What?!” Rita would stand up and look over at her father, “Papa I’m not a liar--I swear what I said happened is what happened!” She felt the hairs on her arms stand up, and she felt a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. “We have to help them!”
“Yes well…if what you said is true. There is no helping them now Mija…” Her father said simply as he would go back to eating, continuing as if everything were normal. “That night is the night the dead is strongest...but Abuela made sure you made it home to us.” He pointed at her with a fork and then went back to his food. “Don’t waste this. Learn from it.”
“Eyes…” Rita said softly as she pointed behind him. “All the eyes…” It was true, between every small crack of furniture there could be a set of eyes seen shining in the light of the candle.
Squinting, Devin would back away slowly and knock the board. The candle fell and went out. In the other room some creaking could be heard, and then a slam of a distant door. The kitchen began to rattle around them, and the eyes began to move forward towards them.
Rita jumped to her feet and ran towards the door and when she got to the backdoor she threw it open and cats were outside. Purring, and meowing, as they stepped towards her. She screamed and threw the door shut but when she ran back to the room after only having been gone a moment she could see Devin on the floor, covered by cats and struggling to get away. She screamed again and ran back to the back door. Somewhere in the distance, a clock chimed the hour. She grasped the necklace around her neck, a small gemstone her Abuela had given her from a past trip she had taken out of the country.
Rita wasn’t a particularly religious girl by any means, but she clutched the necklace for her life and she threw open the door and ran out. The cats started towards her again so she ran the other way, jumped the back fence, and kept running until she was home again. She unlocked it as fast as she could, she ran inside and shut the door. Spinning around she would be face-to-face with her grandmother but she hadn’t expected it so she let out a small yelp of a yell then relaxed when she realized who it was. “Oh! Abuela...it's just you…” she said softly as she hugged the woman.
Her grandmother smiled softly and hugged her back, “You’re safe now.” she told her softly, “Go on now, up to bed.”
She didn’t know how her grandmother knew she needed to hear that, but Rita figured it was the rushed way she’d let herself into the house. She went up to her room, shut and locked the door, and then turned on every single light. It was going to be a long night, but she knew there was no way she was going to be able to get any sleep after what she had just seen.
Nothing came into her room that night, but as predicted, Rita didn’t get much sleep. Getting ready for school the next morning quickly, she headed to the bus stop with her very own cup of coffee to match Amanda's usual. Amanda wasn’t there and neither was Jared. She found that strange but did everything she could not to stare at the house that probably had Devin’s dead body inside it.
When the bus came, she got in and clutched the seats until she felt a safe enough distance from the house they were at just hours prior. She went through her day anxiously, then didn’t see her friends at lunch. It was around the last period of the day that the school psychologist accompanied by a police officer, and Rita’s parents appeared. She was convinced they were there to ask her about her missing friends so she got up without even being called and gathered her things.
Walking out into the hall, her mother burst into tears and told her her grandmother passed away the night before at the nursing home they had her at. Rita froze in shock, she had just seen her grandmother the night before. “Wasn’t she at home last night?” She asked, “with us?”
“No sweetheart.” Her mother sighed and wiped her tears away with tissues from her pocketbook. “Abuela’s heart was too weak to leave for halloween...she didn’t make it through the night.”
Rita clutched her necklace and bit her bottom lip, before burying her face in her father’s chest to have a good cry. “That’s not all Mija.” Her father started as he petted her head and then very carefully, he asked, “We know you came home last night.” Because she had been in her bedroom when they woke up in the morning and drinking coffee in the kitchen after that. “So, when was the last time you saw your friend Amanda?”
“A-Amanda?” Rita would pull back and then she burst into tears. Everything was too much for her to take. She spilled the whole story to her father with the police right there recording everything and taking notes. Her father told her to shush and then they ushered her out of the school as quickly as they could. The police wanted her to make a statement so they could investigate the house, so a few hours later with her family lawyer, she did.
A warrant went out for the Marlo house and a few hours later, when they were eating dinner, Rita’s father got a phone call. The table of 7 people went perfectly silent as he took the phone call. When he hung up they were still silent. He looked around and then said very softly, “They didn’t find anything…”
“What?!” Rita would stand up and look over at her father, “Papa I’m not a liar--I swear what I said happened is what happened!” She felt the hairs on her arms stand up, and she felt a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. “We have to help them!”
“Yes well…if what you said is true. There is no helping them now Mija…” Her father said simply as he would go back to eating, continuing as if everything were normal. “That night is the night the dead is strongest...but Abuela made sure you made it home to us.” He pointed at her with a fork and then went back to his food. “Don’t waste this. Learn from it.”
Rita was stunned stupid, she didn’t know what else to say, so she lowered her eyes to her food and whispered, “Yes papa.”
That night, while she was getting ready for bed, Rita wondered if she would ever have answers for the questions in her head. But she couldn’t help but hear her father’s words echoed in her head, “Abuela made sure you made it home to us. Don’t waste this. Learn from it.” Climbing into bed, Rita shut her eyes and cried herself to sleep. She wanted to forget everything she had seen that night, but knew her father was right--that would be a terrible injustice to the memory of her loved ones.

As always thanks for stopping by boils and ghouls and happy spoopy season!
Peace and Chicken grease,
D. Grimm.
Curious to learn more about the author? Stop Here and check it out! xx
That night, while she was getting ready for bed, Rita wondered if she would ever have answers for the questions in her head. But she couldn’t help but hear her father’s words echoed in her head, “Abuela made sure you made it home to us. Don’t waste this. Learn from it.” Climbing into bed, Rita shut her eyes and cried herself to sleep. She wanted to forget everything she had seen that night, but knew her father was right--that would be a terrible injustice to the memory of her loved ones.

As always thanks for stopping by boils and ghouls and happy spoopy season!
Peace and Chicken grease,
D. Grimm.
Curious to learn more about the author? Stop Here and check it out! xx
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