Hello again Interwebs and lurking ghouls it’s me, Danii Grimm again. I’m going to be dropping these every week, on Sunday’s. If you want to follow along my memories/stories you’re welcome to, but this is mostly for me. And a little for my daughter in the future should she have any questions. It is marvelous therapy though, writing your thoughts down into words and really pondering them over and over. The mind is an interesting thing.
For those of you who followed along in last week’s blog I mentioned that we’ve gone #flexitarian #flexitarien (However you want to spell it) what it comes down to is we’ve completely switched our mostly meat ridden diet/lifestyle to that of a vegan/vegetarian’s . No that does not mean we’ve cut meat out entirely but we’ve cut down significantly--and because we’re not interested in gaining any extra HORMONES and/or ANTIBIOTICS that the USDA just allows us to have--we’re only eating farm fresh fish and organic grass fed meat. That being said, we’ve also cut dairy out of our diet because my husband is lactose intolerant. So why bother eating something that will fuck up his insides? That is why we’ve switched our diet so it would be defeating the purpose if you ask me. Anyway, week one of our diet/lifestyle change has been AMAZING. Only slip up was a bag of Doritos and some Rock candy (oh candy! i love you candy!) but other than that we’ve been doing so SO well. Even my seven year old is remarkably acceptable of this new diet and change, but the bottom line is she always liked veggies and fruits anyways, so this isn’t THAT much of a GIANT leap for her. Food is food. I LOVE that she isn’t picky like I was when I was her age. Which must’ve been trying for my grandmother/mother.

Honestly I’ve been lurking on pins for recipes and crafting my own, I’ve been reading as many articles I can on diet and health, and I’ve been reading the science of our bodies to remind myself (as I have been through classes for these things) but everyone needs a reminder once in a while. So, going in armed with knowledge is the best way! I feel like a food warrior and my body is the battle ground! FUCK YOU BAD FLORA LEAVE! YOU’RE NOT WELCOME HERE! Here you go body. Eat. NOURISH. THRIVE.
All kidding aside (half kidding) I have never felt so ENERGETIC before, I have been getting more FULL nights of sleep, I wake up HUNGRY instead of SICK feeling, and on top of that some MAJOR differences noticed already that are a little more private and personal (but if you’re smart Im sure you can figure it out.)

That brings me to my doctor’s appointment this week--which isn’t very good news but it isn’t very bad news, not yet anyway. I went for a regular everyday check up and found out I’m being tested for a few different very serious things--including Lupus. It’s anxiety inducing, but I’m trying not to dwell on the negativity of that and am just pushing to love life and live everyday the way I have been for the passed 30 years. One day at a time, with no fear of what lies ahead, because only time can tell the future. That being said, I am also going to a radiologist on Thursday because my doctor found masses in each of my breasts, which is also a little intimidating, but like I said--breathe, and one step at time--right?
So, until I am told something about the results or my mammogram comes back telling me I have to worry--I wont. In the meantime, guys--the Warped Tour 2018 SHOW in my area is getting closer and closer, and I could not be MORE thrilled. If you don’t already have your ticket to the LAST coast-to-coast PHOENIX Warped Tour (or any of them for that matter wtf) GET ON IT!!!! I mean, COME ON GUYS have you seen the line up IT’S EPIC? HAVE YOU SEEN IT? Here...Lemme Screen cap that for you.

Yeah that’s about six caps and if you aren’t impressed by now I don’t know how you aren’t. That is an ALL STAR line up and god damn guys what a day!!! My date is 6/28 with show times listed from 11am-9pm and WHAT THE FUCK I can’t wait. Black Veil Brides is obviously a HUGE reason I am going but with other name drops like Simple Plan, Falling In Reverse, Waterparks, Trashboat, Crown The Empire, and so many many fucking more how could I say no?! Then my husband agreed to take me and my daughter. Not only will I enjoy it but SO will she. AND we get to see our ALL TIME FAVORITES a second time this year! WIN! #happybirthdaytome right?! Fuck it! I don’t even care that it’s going to be hot as balls and I’m likely going to be physically nauseated the entire day. I’m going to that, and I’m taking as much video and pictures as I possibly can with my handy dandy gopro! so watch out for that when we get back from it! Just so so much win.

I’m also looking to get my daughter involved in Andy Black’s classes which are reasonably priced but we are paying to stay in the valley a couple nights too. So we shall have to see about that. For those of you who don’t know Mooshby6 want’s to be a rocker herself, she wants to tear up not one but a few different instruments but she is learning guitar right now. Very cool. She named her guitar Andy because he’s her hero musically. Which is another reason why I wanted her involved in this small session with him--so we will see.

If you haven’t heard of it I suggest checking it out. Andy’s a kind, talented, and wonderful human being and I actually don’t mind my daughter looking up to this man. Mistakes and all--come on guys he’s only fucking human. At least he learns, that means he’s smart. Cos let’s face it, there are human beings out there who will never learn (my mother included).
Alright guys I think I ranted and rambled enough about everything currently on my mind. If you follow me on my social medias you’ll get more updates about what we are currently doing and where we are going. Like the other day we had #familydatenight where we went to a #localbusiness @newjerseypizzacompany which was FANTASTIC.
Not only did they offer a vegan option, AND gluten free crust (which btw comes with butter and only comes in 12″ for those of you who wanted to know) but it came in a variety of other specialties and they also serve things like #local root-beer and pasta dishes! I gotta say, I haven’t tasted the East Coast in so many years (8 to be exact) that it was just a breath of fresh air! I literally cannot wait to go back (to the restaurant not the East Coast fyi....#sorrynotsorry). The pie was filling, it was decently sized, the vegetables were FRESH and we of course didn’t have any cheese (vegan ftw!) but we demolished the entire pizza! SANS grease, SAVORY, and just PACKED with vegetables!!!! AND at 20$ (with a 5$ coupon for signing up to their newsletter) IT WAS WORTH EVERY CENT. Ever in Flagstaff? CHECK them out on Cedar Ave.

And with that I will close this out with my personal links here at the bottom, be sure to keep in contact and watch for big things! And I’ll see yall next Sunday!
--Danii Grimm xoxo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dansedelamort
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Younow: https://www.younow.com/Danii_Grimm/channel
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7b5yHdiovDCWD1GSj2921w?view_as=subscriber
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/daniigrimm
Blog: https://daniigrimm.blogspot.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danii_grimm/?hl=en
Younow: https://www.younow.com/Danii_Grimm/channel
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7b5yHdiovDCWD1GSj2921w?view_as=subscriber
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/daniigrimm
Blog: https://daniigrimm.blogspot.com
Keep an eye out for my future videos on Youtube, and soon I’ll be launching a Patreon to boost the quality of my videos and streams. <3 Love you ghouls!
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