Blog Post #12:🎤 Slip into the autumn shade, I could sleep for days...🎶

The kids have all gone back to school for a fresh new year, the weather is in the 70s for half the day before temperatures inevitably rise to the stuffy 90s before ideally falling back down again once the sun sets, and they are once again advertising pumpkin spice flavored coffee. 

That's right people, mothafuckin autumn has hit Flagstaff, and I couldn't be more thrilled. This is the season that I live for and thrive in. The weather is agreeable, the hectic chaos of the summer is winding down, and we are about to be knocking on winter's door. Am I sad to see summer go? Absolutely not. Summer baby or not, please take the temperatures and stuff it mother nature. I am absolutely ecstatic that you have started to cool off and give me the wonderful Earthy hues that come with the aspens here--god I love when the leaves change color; reds and yellows have hit the streets of Flagstaff and with each passing day I have begun a countdown to my favorite holiday of the year HALLOWEEN!!!! but that isn't the only Autumn holiday is it? I mean, Thanksgiving is right on the cusp of winter--and I'm also excited to try tofurkey this year (not a big fan of turkey to begin with so....let's keep our fingers crossed!) 

Here are some articles to help understand the symbolism of Autumn:

7 Symbolic Meanings of Autumn | Spirituality & Practice | Symbolic Meaning of Seasons |

When the morning starts off so cold I need to wear my jacket, and the afternoon is so stuffy I'm sweating away all my fluids--when the night is so cold that I require my jacket and gloves...that is when I know fall is coming, here. We have only lived here now for three years, so it's a little predictable weather wise, when the autumn front has arrived--and we are ALWAYS before anyone on the East Coast (sorry guys some more sweltering weather headed your way for a bit!) but we are in the home stretch yall and it genuinely gives me a good feeling deep down inside. What is your favorite season? How do you know it's arrived where ever you are? 

10 Signs Fall is Coming |  Outdoor Life: 25 signs Fall is Here | 17 Signs Autumn Has Arrived For the Kids

When I think of Autumn I think of a few things so I'll list them off real quick:

Here's a Autumn Checklist just in case mine isn't enough. They included a few of mine, as well as a few of their own interesting autumn activities. I might have to steal a few. Here's a family related check list of things to do that are maybe Autumn related. On a Budget? Good! Me too. So I've also provided and article of 50+ free or cheap things to do that are absolutely based around this fabulous season upon us. Want something a little more local? Are you in the area? This is for you, or if you just want to hit some local trails because of course that is free and one of our favorite things in the whole world to do. 

One could argue, that hiking can be done during any season of course! But its most enjoyable to ME when it's not so cold my fingers are freezing and throbbing in my gloves, and not so hot that I am instantly feeling dehydrated the moment I step out my door. No I am not kidding, I always bring a drink when I'm on the go! This is Arizona my loves! It doesn't matter what time of the year it is. So if you are here, in any part of the state, I cannot stress this enough--STAY HYDRATED. 

Speaking of hiking, this week my family and took a six mile hike through Flagstaff's back trails to run errands and it was S P E C T A C U L A R. Though my camera did die, we did manage to capture a couple snaps of this bird talon we discovered. Then, we ran into some female deer with their babies that let us so close to them we could practically reach out and touch, we were able to spot some Rufous Hummingbirds which was nice--because they should be heading away from here now that it's getting cooler and back to Mexico where I am assuming they are gonna hold up for the winter. I also managed to lay my eyes on some stellar-jays that were settling in for the evening, and maybe snacking on something tasty before the sun set. I also spotted a couple of doggie friends (a cockerspaniel and a scotty terrier that I wanted to take home), and a friendly neighborhood chattering Albert squirrel. It was nice to get back down to our roots, sans cam equipment and to just take a hike for fun. The weather was beautiful, the animals were absolutely fantastic, and for a moment we were off the grid without many cares at all. Taking in the fresh mountain air makes me feel alive, surrounding myself in nature makes me feel small in the big picture of things and that's good--because if I'm small then my problems, life's problems, are smaller than I am. In that moment I am me, and all the problems I may have brought with me, are for the moment--checked at the treeline--they don't exist passed there. 

The only other VERY fucking cool thing that happened for me this week worth a mention, was thanks to my wonderful husband!!! I have been very ill, and all of our bills were he bought me the biggest Andy Black Bundle Alternative Press has to offer for issue #361 which happens to be Andy Biersack's TENTH (10th) time gracing their cover! I might do an unboxing video or something because that would be neat, and that way you can see my daughter and I freak out over Andy Black items that you can't get anywhere else. Not sure if we're going to throw that up as patreon only content, but I will let yall know before it comes. I also have another super special package coming back to me but I really don't know when that is so THAT video will be a surprise for both of us!

Alright fam, 

Love YOU! Stay tight! Stay Real! Be YOU!

Welcome to the ghoul fam xo *~Danii_Grimm~*

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