Flexitarian Diets | A Better (still opinionated) Article On Flexitarianism | Flexi-recipes | Is This For You?
That should get that curiosity out of the way; which by the way guys its really not rocket science. My body can't handle dairy and red meat so it's out. I still eat chicken sometimes, I still eat fish sometimes, and yes I do include eggs in my diet. I am always curious and ever learning so sometimes this gets replaced with that so I can just try it on a trail basis. But when my body is working the way that I want it to work. That is good enough for me. I don't feel sluggish and sad, I have energy and I want to go out and play (even with a back injury). So aside from those questions I have gotten a lot of "Where do you Shop?" and "What do you buy?" a of course the inevitable "But it's so expensive isn't it?" So I'm going to tackle those bad boys. RIGHT here. RIGHT NOW.
For those of you whom are curious as to where I shop, there are several places there is never just one. If your are a thrifty shopper then expect to travel for your food because let's face it. Not everything is going to be conveniently priced within a square mile radius unless you are ONLY shopping sales and even then that's debatable. REMEMBER I live in a place where it is very hard to get around, so I'm not trying to go to th beginning of/out of town for my food. But I am willing to work for it. For starters I am a HUGE fan of WHOLEFOODS. Even though it's a good 3 miles there and back, and I walk or take the bus. Bring your own bags!!! save the oceans and don't use plastic!

Yep though, I said it. OH GOD! Before everyone get's their pitchforks and torches, hear me out. For one, I never get my produce here at Wholefoods, they don't last very long because they are likely shipped in from places like New Mexico, Mexico, and California....that being said Wholefoods is great for a number of other items that are both affordable and good for you! Wholefoods is where I get things like my organic coffee, my almond milk, my creamer etc. (GASP BUT YOU SAID YOU DONT DO DAIRY) Relax, I don't. I do almond milk creamer or coconut but never dairy. I also like getting dried goods here, on sale of course so it varies from week to week--and then of course there is BEYOND MEAT a meatless meat like substitute my family (my husband and daughter) are THRILLED to eat every time I make it. IT IS DELICIOUS. And for those meat lovers out there, it is definitely NOT meat, but it sure tastes close.
That finally brings me to the big baddie. The place I get a bulk of my food, that keeps it under the budget every fucking time is our local farmers market. OH. GASP. Yes. It's organic, its locally grown by good people, it is healthy, it is hearty, and DAMN can you walk away with a BUNCH for a TINY amount. By and by, it's not very difficult to live a healthy lifestyle and it is NOT expensive. We spend in the amount of 350$ a month for three people on organic food and a mostly meatless lifestyle. I keep us healthy, happy, and fed--and as long as you know how to meal plan and play with recipes in your head then you can do it too! I hope all of this has been helpful incite and please, feel free to drop me a dm on the social medias to let me know what you think, how you think I can improve my blog, or to ask any general questions!
As always it's been a blast to write with you this week,
Love YOU! Stay tight! Stay Real! Be YOU!
Welcome to the ghoul fam xo *~Danii_Grimm~*
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