Everyone is going gaga over the new charcoal mask craze; at first I was not into it, honestly because I have never done a peel mask like this. Anything I have done has been all natural home remedy type of masks--and 9 times out of 10? You MUST wash those off after a while...though they do have the same cooling effect and smell a little citrus-y. Now, for those of you who are like me--you're probably sitting there rolling your eyes like--"Oh great. Danii's into the trends now too. Next she'll be chatting with the Kardashians." One? No. Not likely, even if I had the chance I likely would not want to waste my time kissing the ass of someone I have absolutely no desire to meet--nevermind talk to. Two? I looked into the actual benefits of adding this face mask regimen to your normal face routine.
Number one thing that sold me? The fact that it draws so much of the dirt and gross shit from your pores. OMG. YES. It doesn't matter how much I scrub and clean my face, these babies? They poke out and I don't like it. Freckles? No. Those are my pores. Gross. I'm sorry you had to look at that too,
don't worry. It's not because I'm dirty at all, naw, I'm just naturally oily (eeew) but it's the cards I was dealt in life. Oh and I have super duper sensitive as fuck skin. So literally every. single. trend. usually gets avoided because I need something that is truly hypoallergenic and/or for sensitive skin to be able to use it.
For years (I think since high school) I have been using a simple face scrub (apricots!!!! MMMMMM) with microbeads to scrub away my oily face. Turns out that it's not only not good for the ocean but it's not good for me! So, I am definitely on the market for a new face wash as I educate myself because I am not eager to destroy the planet that we live on--quite the contrary. That being said, right now we're using just mild body soap for washing (but that will change soon), and the mask peel two times a week. Is it working??? YES!!!!!! Oh my god. My pores look so clean it's visibly noticeable after just a couple weeks of using this!!! I'm super excited about it!
Another benefit of a charcoal mask peel that I read about and was interested in was (because I'm old! and so is my skin!) Is it can brighten and make the skin smoother on your face and omfg, IT DOES. In the first video I did with Raith, I noticed a HUGE difference in how soft the skin on his face was THE MINUTE I TOUCHED IT. It was CRAZY. You can see the video of mine and his reaction to it here:
Okay I scoured the internet for information and this is what I've found. Soo'AE New York is an up and coming Korean beauty company based out of New York. They are affordable, they can be found at Ulta, Target, Walmart, and on their site online. Another wonderful thing is they seem to be Cruelty-free which I don't know about you, but that is a REALLY important thing for me. I'm not looking to benefit from anythings pain. It's not right.

Well then. That's quite boastful...challenge accepted Soo'ae! So, I took this on and me and the hubby shot the video (which we had a TON of fun with!), and I've been using it (4 times) over a span of two weeks. Here's what I have to say about it.
For being my first ever peel mask, this was not even that bad! In fact it was purely the opposite! SO delightful! I cannot wait to get MORE so that I can KEEP up this part of my routine. Yeah, it's awkward and silly to have your face frozen like cement for a while but it's only 15 minutes of your day and really in the grande scheme of things thats just not that bad. The fact that is made from natural ingredients and doesn't fuck up my skin is absolutely wonderful! OMG so refreshing! IN SO MANY WAYS. Is this product worth it? Oh god yes, it was so affordable. I had more than one use out of it. Nothing/No one was harmed in the production of it! It was pleasant AND I started to notice a difference RIGHT away on both my husband and I. Will definitely be getting this product again, it's a new addition to the household. I'm that committed. I also like how easy it is to acquire, as I am not a rich and famous movie star (I know I know shocking). So the fact that I had to literally SCOUR my tiny mountain town only to find it in the beauty aisle of Walmart, just made me facepalm a bit.
So when I did my last mask, my husband wasn't present for it but we made a funny video out of it anyway as just a sort of treat for you guys. I wanted to give you a little something to watch (a thank you of sorts) and a little preview of what my weird introverted ass has to offer. I have so many plans, and I'm so fricking thankful that all of you believe in me enough to support me SO much. I love you! The support I feel everyday is only growing and oh my god I have never felt so lifted! Really. THANK YOU.

Going on this personal rant, so I can get to my point, I wasn't number one top liked person in school either. My friends were all older than me, because all my fucking peers were in a whole different world than I was. It was insane. We were all the same age, but me? I was paying rent and bills. I was figuring out transportation. I was living a life....and they were stuck in the halls of wonderland. Bullied? Yes I was. In fights? All the fucking time. Suspended? You bet. But I worked my ass, I was true to myself, and even though I went through hell, I made it out alive and well isn't that what counts?

Now that I've stumbled onto the various social media platforms I have found, I have had more positivity, more love, more support than I have had in my entire life. My husband Raith was holding me up for a long long time, and now? Well, now I've got a small army to hold me up. I love the attention don't get me wrong, but this means something more than that to me.
I feel like I am home. Welcome home fam. Close the door and have a seat by the fire.

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