Blog #29: All Hail Mr Fluffincute!

Hellooooooo bright and beautiful world. it's time for another week of my blog and I wanted to share something special with you. 

My daughter, (who we refer to by her stage name "Mooshby6"), is turning eight years old this year!!!! December seventeenth 2010; I took a taxi cab to the hospital while my husband was busy at work (and almost died on the way there because the cab driver backed up on the freeway when he missed the exit), My water never broke but I was up all night with contractions. SERIOUS contractions. NOT your average BRAXTON HICKS type of ordeal either, I was used to those. No, these were the REAL deal. 

I called my OBGYN when they were open in the morning and told them all night it had been that way, and they told me to drink a glass of water and put my feet up. I didn't know drinking a glass of fucking water and elevating my feet could stop labor, but sure, I  humored them. I did what they said, then called back and hour later and they were like "Yeah you should definitely come in hun." (Yeah no shit). 

So began my adventure to motherhood! I was raced by cab, courtesy of my insurance because at the time we had no vehicle ("at the time"! HA! like we have one now or something!), Anyhow, at the time my husband worked for a school, so of course at these hours he was there driving children around. I did however keep him fully updated the entire time,  via text message. Sometimes I wish I still had those. 

When I arrived at the hospital they were prepared for me. They pulled me into a room, got me comfortable and then injected my bum with something that hurt hurt hurt!!!! MY GOD it stung so much. Then, as she's rubbing it in (AFTERWARDS) she says shes supposed to administer it slowly over time and rub it but always feels "Weird" about doing that to someone's ass. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm glad your insecurities have made it okay for you to abuse patients. My bad. 

Some time passed and I got another shot from a different nurse. Some more time and I was told "We're going to have this baby." She was a month early. I was fucking horrified. I had so many complications the entire pregnancy I was literally struggling to keep the both of us alive and at this point I was just--ready. And so was she. Nervous is not a good enough word to describe my terrified feelings as a new mother. This was my only baby (I had suffered a miscarriage before her, and actually one after her) that almost came to full term and we were taking a huge gamble. 

Some time passed, and my husband arrived, then they induced labor by breaking my water for me. With a terrifying looking crochet hook looking motherfucker. I wish I was kidding. I was in labor for a long time. I went a long time without the drugs and finally took them because it had been hours and hours with no sleep and I was exhausted. The anesthesiologist fucked up my epidural because I was only half numb. They had to come back (because of course they had left), and fix their fuck up (hello back problems!) then I could finally sleep. I slept for like twenty minutes when I finally couldn't feel anything, woke up when the nurse came in to check me. She told me not to push because my daughter was crowning. Son of a bitch. After all this time....and work. She waited til I was sleeping and slid out the fucking birth canal. Of course she did. I didn't push til I was told to. She came easy enough, wasn't as horrific as all the birth stories I heard growing up. 

But she didn't cry. She was early, and she didn't cry.

They took  her from me. And in my drug induced state, I had to sign paperwork that said it was okay to remove her from the hospital to another for care. I didn't know at the time, but it was quite normal at this age, for her to not have made her first breath yet. Her lugs and body did not know how to do it. So they needed to air lift her away to a hospital not far away--but and now I stress this from mother to mother (or father out there reading) I couldn't go with her.  Well Fuck. 

Of course I signed the fucking paperwork! And YOU BET YOUR ASS, I sent my husband with her. I didn't want her first night on earth to be alone. So, I sent him and spent a long fucking time alone after just giving birth. I was emotional. I am emotional thinking about it. I felt very wronged in many ways. When Andrew returned, he had some things from home, and we could eat so that was a plus but I remember being worried about my little pumpkin all night long. 

I was supposed to stay another day at the hospital, but they allowed me to leave. Very medicated, I took a couple buses to my little family and we have been together ever since. It's going to stay that way. I went through a lot of hell to have my daughter, and I'm so grateful for her. She makes me want to tear my fucking hair out some days, and others not--but that's normal. I'm still grateful that she's here and I love her very much--and that? 

That was 8 years ago.  

Now, she's a strong healthy girl with no problems and she continues to learn and grow every day. That's why we have finally gotten her a small friend to take care of. She's come to an age now, where we can help her learn and take care of an animal and she is absolutely thrilled! What did we get her? We got her a fancy teddy hamster. I have had mice, hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs so I thought it would be the perfect pet to start her off with! 

Apparently from what we can gather he's a pretty friendly little guy and super docile. We hooked him up with all the necessities and we're investing in chewie toys for him too so he can stay happy (and so his teeth don't grow out of control). The reason why I like him so much is he's not a household problem, he's a new addition to the family and he'll teach her about responsibilities. With a lifespan of 2-3 years, and not THAT many problems, this seems like its going to be a wonderful investment of love and time (and we saved him from that horrible Petsmart place). Stubblez (our 15 year old Russian Blue cat) won't ever really be bothered by him. He barely sees him, and he's in a cage most of the time so until we get a little ball for him to roll around in (which is impenetrable, and soon), Stubblez won't have to worry about Mr. Fluffincute. 

Well, it's been swell my loves but I'm going to go join the fam for a nice ham dinner and tomorrow? We have cake coming our way. Hell to the fucking yes. I fuckin love cake (yes, im that girl). Stay real guys, and thank you for the support each week! xox


Here's some fun stuff about Hamsters:

Fun Facts!

Hamster Care

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