Mother/Introvert/nature lover/lover of supernatural & generally spooky things.
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Blog #33: Partying with Palette Royale
I have been sitting on this surprise for an entire week except a small hint about midweek but boy golly gee motherfuckin whizz guys look what came in the mail! The palette, not the warped tour ticket, no--that lovely beauty was signed by Emerson (Drummer) himself and I couldn't be more
thrilled that I got that. It was a very nice birthday gift and my birthday this year was....well it was one of the best ones I have EVER had easily, and I will remember it for the rest of my life. I got gifted tickets and travel to the warped tour by my husband, the very last one.
My god was I nostalgic--I mean I used to run around the East Coast Warped tour every year from the time I was 15 until the time I was 20. I have a lot of memories, good memories at this particular "festival" and I couldn't wait to be apart of the VERY LAST experience albeit I was a little nervous about the heat. That and I got to see/meet them and Andy Biersack (who is like a major babe) twice this past year (wow 2018 was great!). All of that AND my husband did this:
Safe to say that this was the best birthday of my fucking life. EVERY SINGLE ONE before this has been nothing but bad luck and bad experiences but man 31(Jesus did I just date myself?! I mean 25 + shipping and handling!!!) must have been my year! Anyhow, I have had my eye on this palette for a long fucking time. We haven't been able to afford it full price unfortunately, but recently the website had a sale and on limited stock? I had to jump on that. We barely had enough but we had enough and that is all that matters. I haven't had eyeshadow in fucking months. I have a small amount of makeup and the makeup I do have is well loved. Just like this palette is going to be. That being said, I've never actually owned a palette of or two individual cups from sephora at a time? Yes. Absolutely, BUT NEVER A TEN COLOR PALETTE AT MY DISPOSAL OMG.
Do I look like I am in absolute heaven? Because girl....and or boy depending on whom is currently reading this--but omg that doesn't even begin to touch base on what I am currently feeling about this palette. First I would like to state that I am a HUGE (like massive) fan of Jeffree Star Cosmetics but omg they never have what I want in stock when I have the money for it. That makeup is flawless and fabulous and admittedly I was a littttttle skeptical when I saw the palette I got online--but online does NOT do it justice. When it's up close it makes the difference. THESE are my people (err colors) and I have been waiting for them my whole fucking life. YASSS. YESSSSS. THANK YOUUUUUU PALAYE ROYALE. Now here's this tomfuckery:
Let's talk about the palette and break it down. First off there are ten GORGEOUS colors to choose from five metallic colors and five....Idk I think the word for it is matte? colors? I am so new to this guys so bare with me. They are gorgeous and there is so much potential for growth and mixing and just ugh omg. I'm so happy I folded and bought this!!! It's a wonderful addition to my makeup collection and will likely be a staple of mine for a long time. I didn't break out, the powder was light weight on my face/eyes and I didn't break out. My eyes were fine and didn't water, and I wore the makeup colors I chose all day with no problems. It was vibrant and beautiful and was easy to eventually wash off at the end of my day as well. There was very limited tapped out "fall-out" or shaky powder everywhere and the only ones that did do that were the metallic colors--again very little of that as all the powders were wonderfully packed. The mirror is big enough for someone as blind as myself to be able to use it to quickly fix or touch something up, though I had not had to do that all day long and it was wonderful. As always the packaging the palette came in was just beautiful but I didn't expect any less of Palaye Royale who boasts themselves as a "Fashion-Art Rock Band", and they DO live up to that label with each passing day. I hear tell of comic book too in the near future but I mean one thing at time guys. I'm getting overwhelmed here (I'm too poor for this shit!)
Anyhow I'm so very glad that I took the leap and got this. It was so much fun to make the video and any chance I can to support my favorite musicians is an opportunity I would rather seize. I mean, why not? We all benefit. I get what I want, and they get a little support. If you haven't heard of Palaye Royale then maybe it's time you should. Their music as touched multiple age groups and have rocked the emo scene hard this passed year with the release of their most recent EP Boom Boom Room Side B which was a fucking bop. ALL 8 tracks are fuckin rockin and the lyrics all have wonderful meanings/stories. You should check it out. I downloaded it on Spotify the moment it was released. I listen to it steadily throughout the week. These boys are artists, and they are TALENTED. I have had the pleasure of seeing them live, meeting them, and now purchasing one of their very wonderful products. I can honestly say I am so super pleased to be apart of this fandom. I have only run into positive people from the fanbase so far, and the boys themselves are an absolute pleasure! I love them.
But I mean the results speak for themselves don't they???? I was screaming when I saw the colors on my eyes--if you don't believe me? Go check out my Youtube video and you will see first hand what my reaction was. I screamed. I have been waiting for this palette for literally my entire life. omg. I can't wait to play with different combos but the one I stumbled upon today while I was doing my blogging/vlogging was 100% one of the coolest things I have ever seen and that ANDY BLACK lipstick. "It's a look." Guys. It's a look. ;) In and outdoor lighting....well hello there!
Well I would have more to say I suppose, if there was anything negative to say--but there isn't. So I guess I'll be catching you guys next week for the next blog! This was a pretty easy and pretty pleasant one to write! Hope you all have a fucking great week! Thanks for all the support you give me on an everyday basis. The people who support me most know who I'm talking about. I love you guys, you keep me floating in an eternal state of bliss and this palette is going to keep me lookin SUPER fly. That's a thing right? Haha it is now. Fuck it. ;) Happy trails! xx
Ugh. You make me want to get one but I can' looking amazing! and
ReplyDeleteomg I know its super nice <3 thank you for reading!