Hi guys I wanted to take the time to talk about something that has been popping up regularly in my feed and messages this week; a bucket-list. A bucket-list is a list one usually compiles of things that they feel they want to do or have to see before they die. For those of you who know me, you know that I've always been morbidly interested in death and dying. Some of you may know and understand why, others may not--and that's okay too, just know that I am FASCINATED by death and dying, as morbid as that may be.
And hey let's face it, I'm pretty sure some of us here are old enough to have seen that fucking wonderful movie. The Bucket List with our boys Jack and Morgan. It's a classic. If you haven't? I truly recommend it. Without having faith, I STILL enjoyed this movie because everyone dies. Even if everyone doesn't have the same belief of what might happen afterward. Everyone dies.
That being said, I also went to school for such a profession. I've always loved helping someone, and I felt that what the men/women do every day in the death industry was a great service to provide. I still feel the same way, although I lean more towards alternative funeral methods and/or giving families a plethora of options, not just leaving a few on the table that they may/may have not heard about. Believe it or not, there are people in the industry who are not there to just make money off misfortune. We feel for the people we are working for, and honestly I am very proud of the work I have done in school. I cannot wait to get back to the prep room. I MISS it so much. BUT, alas, everything takes time. This is just another stepping stone on my path to my goals. Still, I bring up school mostly because that is when I was met with the idea of making my own bucket-list.

Do you have one? Have you really thought about what might be on one? Do you live every day like its your last?
I do, I have, and absolutely, you bet your fuckin ass I do!
And I encourage ALL of you, if you haven't already, to make one as well! It's fun! and you find things that you would have never actually realized about yourself. For instance, and I'm not going to sit here and regail you with my 100 item list in full--but I wanted to share with you my biggest most desired bucket-lister if you will.
Come a little closer, are you leaning in yet? Good.
Have you ever heard of Victoria Falls?
Now you've not only heard of it, but you've seen it in a 360 degree view. OMG isn't she gorgeous? This....is the TOP priority on my bucket-list. My husband and I didn't ever have a honeymoon, so when my daughter is twelve (and old enough to join us on our adventure), WE HAVE GOT TO VISIT DEVIL'S POOL. I am not huge into thrill seeking but I have never been so drawn to something so beautiful in my life, and I have got to see it with my own two eyes.

I cannot stress the coolness of this place out, and I have seen a ton of blogs and vlogs that have tried to give it justice but each one of them say the same thing. You just have to experience this for yourself...and I have EVERY intention of doing so.
The assignment we were given was a little lengthy, and extensive, but I put a lot of thought and research into that 100 item list. The only person in the world who knows whats on it, other than myself? Is my husband. And we have worked on checking a few off along the way--don't get me wrong. I have been doing a lot of things this year that I haven't gotten to do in a long time. I experienced a few NEW things....and this coming year? It feels like it's going to be a good one. I've already experienced a few unreal things that have happened, that only make me believe this more.
Is this going to be your year? It's going to be mine. I'm sure of it.
Let's get some things done, let's be creative and mingle, and most of all--let's be good to each other. There is too much hate in the world. Smile on your brother, everybody get together and love one another right now. Ironically I want to leave you with this.....Have faith. Not necessarily in religion, if that's not your cuppa--haha it's definitely not mine.....but in yourself. Have faith in yourself and throw that out there into the universe. It's listening. The vibes will bounce back. I promise.
Have a wonderful evening my loves. I would love to hear YOUR biggest bucket-list item if you've got one. Shoot them my way over on Twitter, Instagram, or pretty much anywhere I lurk. I'll drop the links below. Have a wonderful day to the lovelies who are just beginning their days.
Goodnight xx
~Danii Grimm~
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