This is my buddy Blaine the Pain he's many things; a friend, a full-time hardworking father of four little ones, a husband, a gamer, a streamer, a brand critic, a creator, and an all around outstanding person. Is this a shameless plug for a good friend? Absolutely, but hear me out....because it'll be worth the time.
Born in Fall River, Massachusetts and based out of the smallest state in our nation (United States)--'Lil Rhodie, where I'm from, Blaine has big plans and an even bigger heart to spare!
Personally what would you get out of the experience if you were to join the hype train and check out Blaine's rapidly building gaming network? Well for starters, the experience. He has a wide range of content from family friendly gaming fortnite adventures on Twitchtv with his kids, to lone gameplay that's a little more adult rated content, to reviews of content (games mostly, but also tech equipment he uses, and PC gear as well!) from games that haven't hit the market yet. Not only does he share these reviews, and his gameplay, but he streams his real life on Twitch as well so personally--I've got so much respect for this hard-working ace gamer that I just had to share.
Let's talk long term and short term goals for Blaine the pain and his brand community HypeSpeed. Personally Blaine's long-term goals are to become an affiliate on Twitch and to make money doing something he is passionate about through a wide-range audience, so that he is allowed to spend more time creating, supporting/spending time at home with his beautiful family.

Short-term plans for his brand HypeSpeed is to provide a safe haven for a community of gamers to come together for friends or advice on how to improve on creating and pushing gaming/streaming content, and to perhaps gather some sponsorship along the way to make this possible. Now, how about the long-term? Long-term plans are to gather a network of gamers together, in a completely relaxed nondiscriminatory environment (Come one, come all regardless of Age, Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Nationality, Disability, Body Art, Or the fact that you just cannot be quiet! Welcome.) where everyone is expected to learn, have fun, and grow together. End goal for HypeSpeed is to have a physical community center where creators and gamers alike, within the community, could come and gather together. There would be provided gaming stations, gaming events, and a cafe/lounge area for your convenience.

Sounds like Blaine is the man with the plan, I don't know, but I would really like to see this happen for him. He's an all around positive and pleasant guy, he works hard, and he is pretty fricken enjoyable to watch when he streams! I think you should stop by the provided links below--and check him out for yourselves! Tell me what you think when ya do! Oh, and don't do so without telling him Danii Grimm sent ya his way! ;) Us Rowdy Rhodies gotta stick together. Birds of a feather they say!
Blaine the Pain:
Twitchtv |
Instagram |
Twitter |
Youtube |

This week's review #blog was a good time to write! If you liked this kind of friendly review on one of my skillful friends, let me know! I'll interview more of them, and pass them on to you! I have a plethora of professionals to pick from, so really--I could go on forever with it! If it gets a decent amount of viewage this week then I might think of opening a separate #blog for creators I know! It would be worth the time and effort to do something so wonderful for people who not only deserve it, but to do it for people I actually
know would be even better. Let me know what you think! In the meantime, here's my links!
Twitter | Instagram | Younow | YouTube | Patreon | Blog |
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