Hey Guys! This is my new friend Chimipool_AZ (Instagram) aka Wade Chimi-son and I wanted to open the blog with him because man. This is dedication. Do you know how hot it was in the Pavillion that day? It was 110 degrees and this man was rockin' a fuckin' deadpool mask ALL. DAY. LONG. I don't care what you do today except these two things; I want you to friend this man on Instagram--he deserves it. And I want you to read and enjoy my blog--so I can take you on the crazy three day adventure that was the FINAL Warped Tour for my family. You've already gotten yourself this far, so when you leave here go on over to your Instagram app, search out this crazy MTHFKER, and make a new fun friend for your feed! Now, that being said Let's actually begin.
We haven't had a car since we had a small accident with our Honda Civic that made us nope the fuck out of that car deal super fast. But it hasn't been so difficult we haven't been able to manage. Yes, sometimes we ask friends and peers for rides but most of the time they tend to let us down--so we find our own way. THIS time it was a Greyhound bus. Destination? Three hours away in 110 degree heat of Phoenix Arizona. Okay then. We are warriors, and we can do this. LOL!
Of course I am being somewhat dramatic here for the sake of humor but I gotta say that the heat in Phoenix is VERY intense. We lived down in the Valley for six years and it was CRAZY every year. This year was no exception. Almost all those memes you see about eggs frying on the sidewalk, and/or cookies being baked off someones car dash are serious fucking memes. And though they can range from amusing and funny really the messages inside each meme are honest fucking truths. Phoenix is hot. It's hotter than most of the outlying suburbs because it is SUPER smoggy and polluted. Around this time of year it is constantly stanking of baked garbage in the parts where the rich don't reside. There is no escape from the heat unless you stay inside. AND it will BAKE you from inside out. EVEN the wind that blows through, is like fire on your skin with no hope of rain in sight. That being said.....we had a wonderful time despite the heat.
This is my tired, take no shit face. When we got on the bus we were one of the first ones on. So I got a plethora of seats to choose from. Unfortunately they're two people to a seat and there are three of us here in the our tiny family. So I shifted into a set of seats with the bags while my husband and daughter shifted into a pair of seats beside me. A colossal idiotic man who had been staring at me the entire time, and making me rather uncomfortable with my current anxiety ridden state came back and tried to slide into my seats. I asked him if there was no where else he could sit, because I have anxiety and do not want to feel like a trapped animal. He said no but when I liked there were PLENTY of other fucking seats and no one else trying to get on the bus. SO what did I do? I switched with my husband. He was forced to sit next to the big stinky fucking mook who tried to bully me into sitting with me. THIS is what made me tell my husband that I am going to go out of my way next time to purchase an EXTRA ticket for TWO seats so that the next time an asshole wants to try that shit with me again I can tell them honestly I paid for two seats so no. Go sit somewhere else. Have a nice day. It's not that I don't like people it's that he made me very uncomfortable to begin with, and he was very stinky. I have an extremely good sense of smell and I would have been sick the entire ride to the Valley if he had sat next to me so no. Nayeli and I decided to stream our trip and beautiful surroundings on the way to the Valley. The Internet was so shitty that we got kicked off a bunch of times but we streamed some relatively good footage---all of it showing off the natural beauty that comes with this state.
When we got to the terminal pretty early and even though I ran out of internet data (which I didn't have any fathom of a clue that was a thing til it happened oops!) before we got there. IT WAS HOT. OMG it was hot. We didn't stop to take pics because we were DETERMINED to make it to the HOTEL ASAP because OMFG it was HOOOOT. Coming down from the mountains we knew it was going to be hot, we knew HOW hot it was but we were still SO unprepared. LOL. It was an HOUR walk in that heat to the hotel we had reservations at. We wanted to save our money for food and water at the Warped Tour because the buses in the Valley are extremely and unreasonably expensive compared to where we are from. It is literally half the amount, so we shade hopped. We were miserable and sweaty and I was turning red from the heat. BUT THE SHADE MADE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE, and we were now out of water at this point!!! No worries though. We made it. We crashed so hard into our hotel beds and laid there in the 60 degree blowing A/C until the sun set. Once the sunset the real fun began--because it was 20 degrees cooler and there was a body of water directly outside our hotel door.
There isn't an available pool at our home in the mountains. Not unless you are willing to pay nearly 20$ to access a public pool that isn't accessible half the year due to indoor sports and/or lightening storms. We don't even have a hose connected to our house because our landlord is such a piece of shit he half asses literally everything, so yeah. It get's pretty hot and a little muggy up there and there's not real way to escape the heat. When we got into the water here though! OH YES. It was ACTUALLY cold, and relatively clean! There were a few floaters (ie buggies from the hot day who were tricked into the pool) but not very many and we had fun nonetheless.
We retired a little later than we probably should have but we were excited and the pool was fun. It was not like 4 in the morning or anything, but it was closing on midnight when we finally did hit the sheets. When we woke up the next morning we were so excited! WARPED TOUR at last! omfg this is something we were looking forward to, for literally two months of count down time. THIS is why we were here. THIS was my 31st birthday gift and OMG was I actually EXCITED to receive it. After getting ready we got on the bus in front of the place and paid for an all day pass (10$) then we got off along the line and got on another connecting bus and we made it to the fairgrounds by 11.
The lines were fair guys, I was expecting FAR WORSE...I grew up on the EAST coast and in Massachusetts the lines seemed to go for days and you got a sunburn just waiting to get INSIDE. but out here? We were in that line and inside the Pavillion right away, ten minutes tops in that line and that is being super generous. When we got inside? I had my husband get my a set list for 2$ so we knew when our bands would be out and playing. It was a handy little chart I could have made myself in excel if I had some sort of idea of the setlists before the literal DAY OF, but that's neither here nor there. EVERYTHING at the venue was of course over priced lol but not water. We headed to that water station so fucking fast and loaded up on what we needed before walking through the fair to check it out. Where did we go first? Hmmm.....
Had to hit up that sweet sweet merch baby!!! Gotta rep my boys all over this fuckin state! WHICH BTW I have never been in a more BVB POSITIVE environment than I was on 6/28/2018 because literally EVERYFUCKINWHERE I LOOKED. There was tat love, there were shirts, there were draw string fuckin backpacks! IT WAS BVB HEAVEN AND I FOUND MY FAM AT LAST. LOL!!! OMG I WAS SO HAPPY THOUGH, YOU COULD NEVER TRULY UNDERSTAND UNLESS YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY FELT THE SAME WAY YOURSELF. It was wonderful. I belonged. And even though I didn't stop and talk to everybody, I was so SO happy to be apart of this community.
Where did we go after the merch tent?
Crown The Empire's set blew us away and we didn't expect anything fuckin less than that after our show in FEBRUARY when we were at the RESURRECTION tour with BVB, ASKING ALEXANDRIA, and of course CROWN THE EMPIRE. Crown the empire came out on the stage and sound checked with two songs while we were lined up for VIP then and it was AMAZING. Then, when they finally hit the stage we were INSTAfans.
Even my daughter has a crush on Andy Leo, which is just adorable to me. She seems to have a thing for tattooed band boys, cant imagine where the hell she could have gotten that from! XD well...okay maybe I can....but its' fine. I support her love of talented cute band boys, and she's my adorable lil mini-me.
Because we were at the CTE show we missed out on the Waterparks M&G but that's fine, there will be other opportunities to get my daughter together with her crush Awsten Knight. There will be other concerts, even if they are not Warped Tour. Besides, I would not take back going to CTE for ANYTHING. They lit up the White Lightening stage and even though Andy Leo CLEARLY had to use the potty by the amount of port-a-john jokes, he did a FANTASTIC fuckin job. It was a 4/5 song set. Half hour long. It was lit af. I can't remember the entire setlist but I know for sure Machines, Hologram, and Zero were things that were on that played but I think there was also another song on the list that I wasn't sure I had heard ever before. STILL the entire set was on fucking point! this band goes hard and I love the way that Andy can switch from scream to sing on the drop of a dime and fucking sound fantastic while he's whippin his head around and running around stage despite the heat! MAN can I REALLY appreciate a performer that works a crowd. IT makes the experience 3000 x's better. I can't explain it, that's why I've been a fan of Black Veil Brides and now have decidedly joined the Crown the Empire fandom. I STRONGLY recommend this band. CHECK them out. I don't have a picture of their tent but their merch is pretty cool too if you wanna check that out.

After we hit up Crown the Empire we walked around the fairgrounds and got wet on the slip and slide. We ended up in a giant line for Andy Biersack's TEI class but that wasn't for very long (THANK GOD) because there was no fucking shade to stand in this line. We were literally frying in the sun for Andy Biersack. LOL. THE things this family does for that talented boy, I swear to Christ. Like I said though, it wasn't for very long, which I am grateful for, and even though we were there first a bunch of adults lined up and cut us and my seven year old daughter which was whatever. She was a little upset but we still got in and weren't very far back so I was grateful. I was grateful for the shade, I was grateful for Andy coming out into the heat to talk to us and I would definitely say that it was worth every penny. OH and he was VERY punctual which was nice considering how fucking hot it was and how much BLACK that boy wears. PS, I really want to know where he gets his fucking sunglasses because they look like some scifi high tech fucking sunglasses that I could reallllllly use out here in Arizona. Fucking sexy goth terminator? Idk. I'm weird. Okay....moving on....
Remember I intend on putting all my footage from the FINAL warped tour in Phoenix on 6-28-18 up on my various social medias so the clips I'm including are just glimpses. When I have the time to upload everything there is literally so SO much footage and photos. I intend on having enough of that footage and photos for about a month. Happy fucking Birthday to me AND TO YOU! Because I'm going to share the WHOLE experience with you guys just like I promised!
I'm not going to waste too many words here because I don't want to spoil the footage I have up for you on Youtube and the more footage that's to follow but I do want to say this. Andy was pleasant, he was funny, and he was really laid back--it was nice. It was refreshing. And you could tell, that this was something that he actually really enjoys doing, which is also very nice. After the class was over, we got a couple words with him and Mooshby6 was in heaven. He remembered us from the RESURRECTION tour which was SO SO nice. And then he elbowed Moosh in the face by accident! LOL! I think he just couldn't see her and he apologized but she wasn't even mad. I guess it didn't hurt too much! XD or she was just star struck by her boyfriend there. Either way we had a good laugh and then took a group photo which for some reason is still not posted. SO when that's posted I'll definitely be sure to share it. Come on TEI any day now lol but it's fine. I realize these people are on the road. It will come, I'll just keep checkin' for it.

So KNOW that when you're watching everything, but the audio seems pretty fucking clean for being in a crowd of excited people! They sang six songs as far as my memory suits me. Just like you, I'm Not A Vampire, Losing My Mind, Losing My Life, and Fuck You and All Your Friends were songs I could remember. I think the one Im missing was Fashionably Late. I was SO excited to see them live for the first time it was a fantastic set and I was VERY impressed as Radke told the crowd their newest release "Losing My Life" was never performed before, and never practiced! it was VERY well done. I TOTALLY support this fucking band. If you've never heard Falling In Reverse they range from songs you can't take with two grains of salt and have to laugh at, to songs that have serious underlying meanings. I absolutely adore their goofy music videos, I love Ronnie's style of mixing Rap/Rock, and I am a SUPER fan of the lyrics and instrumentals. This WAS a GREAT show. CHECK these guys out IMMEDIATELY. This is ANOTHER man who can entertain, Ronnie Radke was all over that fuckin stage and performing like that in this heat is commendable. Totally. I will work on uploading the videos soon!
They were supposed to be on WARPED tour in 2006 but I believe Bert was ill or having surgery around then (I'm not sure) and had to have medical care so they cancelled. My very FIRST warped tour was 2005 and the lineup was amazing! I'm happy to say I've been to 8 total Warped tour festivals now, and I've survived even the most brutal of them out here in Arizona. That being said though, they came out and ripped shit up! I enjoyed the amount of punks both young and old who came to see them. I believe they did six songs but I wasn't paying attention the whole time because I was tired and a little sick so I was drinking water. The taste of Ink, Pretty Handsome Awkward, A Nirvana cover mixed with one of their own songs I wasn't too sure the name of this one and I believe there were two others I'm not remembering. I apologize but I have them recorded and MAY be uploading them to my youtube. We shall shall see.

We started the set with Blonde which was great, and then for some reason shit stopped working. Then We went onto Hawaii, and then we started an acoustic version of Tantrum which I was excited for but Awsten was too lazy and stubborn to play. Then they played Peach, then Tantrum and they were off. It was annoying because it was hot and this was a show my daughter was looking forward to, and they couldn't seem to make their equipment work or perform a littler extra because it didn't work. IDK seemed lazy.
Awsten is a purple haired diva in men's clothing (and that is debatable sometimes) but the funniest part was when someone tossed a bracelet up on stage for him and he read it out loud. "It says I eat ass." Awsten said over the mic. God only knows if that is true, but I hope he wears that bracelet for the rest of days if it is. The most energetic in the heat was Geoff who was all over that fucking stage but overall sound quality was amazing when they actually DID manage to play. Guess I'll give the set a B- but that's for technical difficulties. I WOULD see them live again. Hopefully indoors, or somewhere where the fucking equipment will work.
Check out their merch and music because this is a band that may dress weird to some, but they promote GREAT lessons and meanings in their music. They don't constantly cuss. And despite popular believe of most Catholics everywhere, they ARENT satanic. These are some of the NICEST boys I have ever met ever. The only time I saw Juliet all night was when she was up on stage dancing all sexy for her man, til of course she caught us pointing her out to our seven year old because she had wanted to see her all day/night! LOL! whoops! Sorry Juju didn't mean to make ya nervous! Maybe next time you'll leave the bus for the heat for maybe ten minutes? LOL if not? I guess we have to travel a little further to get you to meet our little one--no worries. It'll happen if we want it bad enough and are patient.
All-in-all I think that this has been the best birthday celebration of my entire life. Normally we don't celebrate my actual date of birth, and we DEFINITELY try not to mention that it is that day. Why? That day is cursed. Ever seen Bob's Burgers? Good. If you have, have you seen the episode where Linda is struggling on her birthday the whole day? Things just go bad from the start to the end? Yeah she handles it a lot better than I would have, but that shit ACTUALLY happens to me every fucking year. It all started when my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. We found out on my birthday. So yeah. July 12th is not a date on my calendar. I won't be on posting that day, and I will likely use it to get some extra sleep. Please don't take this the wrong way but I'd like it if my social media friends just didn't acknowledge it unless they are going to wish me a happy birthday before or after that day. It's just a personal request I'm sure you all can respect.
Well, that's all I have to share for now....but like I said don't forget to check out my various social media accounts for my footage and photos! Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram (as well as IGTV). And if you catch me on Younow sometime for my #skyrimandchill sesh I would love to have you in the chat!
Ta ta for now ghouls! See you next week!
Danii_Grimm xoxo
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Younow: https://www.younow.com/Danii_Grimm/channel
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Blog: https://daniigrimm.blogspot.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danii_grimm/?hl=en
Younow: https://www.younow.com/Danii_Grimm/channel
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7b5yHdiovDCWD1GSj2921w?view_as=subscriber
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/daniigrimm
Blog: https://daniigrimm.blogspot.com
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