Well, I'm here today to tell you all: YOU'RE NOT ALONE and YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SHOULDER ALL THAT PAIN ALONE. No one is expecting you to, life is just too damn hard for all that. Let me back track a bit here and just preface this with this, lately I have been noticing a lot of similar stories to my own. And people (whether it be blogs, vlogs, your neighbor or the media) are focusing more on mental health which is just WONDERFUL. We need to #educate and #focus on getting a better mental state of mind. We need to get to a place in society where people realize that WOUNDS are not all PHYSICAL and that not everything can be seen or felt by everyone. BUT, and I CANNOT stress this ENOUGH. We need to realize that not every wound completely heals. Sure, the pain will numb but there will be days where it will come back like a fucking sledgehammer and hit you right in the face. LIKE OW. Right? And only people who have felt this way know what I'm talking about, because everyone experiences life differently. But do they really? I mean, yeah....but there is still those warriors out there who fight every day through the struggle that is life--internally, externally--whatever it may be--they fight a battle EVERY SINGLE DAY and emerge #WARRIORS.
My problems now are mostly financial and even though I have my down days I seem to pick myself up out of the dirt again by being able to give a smile to someone else. OR I curl up and listen to a track that I know in my heart was written for people JUST like me. That's what I do to cope, but it took me a VERY long time to find this sort of 'peace' if you will. I had many demons along my own personal path from drugs and alcohol, to cutting, to attempted suicide---all before my daughter and husband while I was still very young. I did finish high school, I went on to quit all the stupid dangerous shit I was doing, I mellowed out (in my old age!) and I finished college. THOSE are my accomplishments.

Things STILL get overwhelming at times, that's when your peers and your environment matter. That's when you're coping skills matter. BECAUSE I hate to break it to the scores of people who don't know this already but life is what you make of it really.....IT IS like 3% of what life throws at you and like 97% YOUR reaction to it. FIGHT. BE STRONG. I don't want to sit back and say that it is easy to be strong, because omfg I knoooooow it's not. IT IS A STRUGGLE. #thestruggleisreal but really it's just a waste to give up--isn't it?
All that pain and aching you feel doesn't have to stay inside you. If you feel like you can't take it anymore, and you can't talk to anyone, go into the woods and scream it to the sky! Tell the fucking heavens your name and why you are there! ask them why they have forsaken you and YES it is OKAY to cry. YOU ARE HUMAN. But you can't hold all that #negative energy down. ITS poisonous, AND THAT--is what turns people to suicide. THEY Are poisoned by their own thoughts and sadness, and THAT is what so difficult.
"I could have done something." "I should have seen the signs." "Why didn't they reach out to me?"
IT IS HARD but that doesn't mean they don't need the love and reassurance that every fucking human being on this planet needs. So from the bottom of my heart and soul I want to invite any of my followers from any social media sites I'm on to reach out and I will absolutely be happy to listen. I am not a therapist I'm a friend who can offer some kind words and maybe exchange a life story or two--but please know I CARE and I RELATE.
If you feel like you can't reach out to me (and trust me there is NO judgement here) then please reach out to someone. SAVE YOUR OWN LIFE. Be a hero. Because even though it might not feel like it RIGHT NOW, it's only temporary--people NEED YOU. Suicide complicates way more than it solves, believe me. As someone who has had this happen several times over in their life, and someone who also attempted suicide, I understand. Things look bleak and dark but there is ALWAYS an end to that tunnel sweetheart. Keep pushin! I'll see you on the other side! Til then? my dms are always open.
Please feel free to check out: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org
And I can relate.
Welcome to the ghoul fam xo *~Danii_Grimm~*
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