Okay life update long overdue I think, so here goes; this week I almost died of the accidental governmental release of the "Captain Tripps" virus (good for you if you get the reference) but I seemed to have survived it for what that is worth. Now if I can stop having these fucking dreams of a demon man named Randal I would appreciate it, and the RAVENS man, they WILL NOT shut up!
In all seriousness though there is something going around flu related and it is a real ZINGER! The symptoms I was experiencing where pure misery...but I digress....I'm sure you've gotten it by now and know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm talking head pounding, body aching, sinus filling, lung invading, cough inducing, sleep stealing viruses that are out there....and man did I get slammed good and hard. I was bed ridden for almost a week (save for that one day I deep cleaned the kitchen with a pretty high fever while I was delirious)...it was so bad that when I finally did step outside and glanced around. I noticed that the trees were in full FALL swing, and it fucking felt like it happened over night guys. I'm not kidding. I know I was away for a week, but damn the trees are already in yellow and orange stages. WHAT THE FUCK. Time flies. There isn't enough time in the world. Momento Mori.

We've begun to decorate for Halloween! Starting with my daughter's cave. She's apparently got a spider theme going on and we got most of the stuff in there from the Dollar Store so bargain buys. Today, we plan on delving in deep and making some of our own decorations--as well as unburying a few older ones. Then we'll get into the full swing of the Holiday. Moosh was fortunately spared of the demon flu, and my hubby got it briefly but due to abnormal inhuman Apache powers was healed in two days--AND worked through it. B L E S S him. For real. I love him. And I cannot wait for Halloween to come. He's going to hand out candy to the littles of the neighborhood and Moosh and I are going out. She changed her mind for the fifteenth time and now has said she wants to be a vampire. Easy enough so we're on a hunt for vampire wear at our local thrift stores. As for myself? I plan on being a vault dweller for Halloween. Any suggestions on how to make a prop pip boy? If not I have a few ideas, and will post pics of that and my costume on Halloween. Til then we have a few traditions to take care of; one being our pumpkin carving target. Last year, we hit five Jack-o-lanterns and this year Imma try for that and if time allows it, maybe add one more. I can't wait to make pumpkin seeds and pumpkin bread (my own recipes which are vegan/vegetarian friendly). AND I have begun getting spooky so yall need to look out for my costumes thrown together before Halloween. My prehalloween celebration if you will--it's woth it. Last year I made seven costumes and they were FUN.

OH! before I forget, have you listened to Boom Boom Room Side B? I sure fucking hope so! Last weeks blog got more hits than it ever has and I'm hugely grateful for that but I hope it was BECAUSE the boys are so fantastic. They TRULY deserve the recognition. I didn't get my physical copy until yesterday but omfg it's beautiful. I love the stickers, I love the artwork.I LOVE the t hand-written lyrics! I love this fucking album. I have been listening to it CONSTANTLY in my regular rotation of music for the passed week and I don't think I'm putting it down ANY time soon. HOLY shit. It is SO good. I'm adding the disc to my wall of cool today, but I did take to Twitter and Instagram with my glee last night when it did come! All I have right now is my tablet so it was challenging to say the least but I only needed something quick to show you how happy I was. I AM STILL, SO HAPPY. It's on right now as I write this. "Dying in a Hot Tub" my fave and yes I'm smiling like a weeb. No fucks. I really hope ya'll enjoyed it as much as I have been.

I have to talk about Andy Black and his newest endeavor because I am just so fucking proud of him. Admittedly I was not shocked when he dropped the bomb of his newest project (a graphic novel "The Ghost of Ohio") because it just seemed like a good direction for him to take. Andy Biersack is a fabulous storyteller and I have always been very captivated by the way he goes from point A to point Z to point B and back again. It shows me his way of thinking is pretty associative, and ya know what, I can relate. My brain flies and is very associative, so admittedly I stay with him for the whole ride and never get tired of it. I can't wait to see what a structured story from him looks like, something on paper (that he hasn't eaten) will be fabulous, and with Eryck Donovan (Batman) on board for artwork--I think I'm going to have to preorder this. Besides he and Gee Way being at the NY ComicCon, and me fan girling silently from miles away, I would say that is all I have to say about the matter. As a young girl I wasn't allowed much, but comic books were a good escape, anyone else have that? I didn't have a whole lot, and I'm not a fandom genius or anything--but I did have favorites. I still do.
That's pretty much it guys, a short one this week. No computer yet, but that should be here next week. Then I have my work cut out for me but I'm going to be throwing up a bunch of content for your pleasure so keep an eye out for that. I revitalized the Blue and Black in my hair after I was sick, so it's looking more vibrant (and dark) than ever! I AM IN LOVE with my hair again! But I do miss my natural Orange and Black. One day I may bring it back, what do you think? Blue for now though, because I'm really feelin' the blue energy.
Alright fam,
Love YOU! Stay tight! Stay Real! Be YOU!
Welcome to the ghoul fam xo *~Danii_Grimm~*
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